After Wenchuan earthquake on May 12, West China Medical School/ West China Hospital of Sichuan University organized a youth volunteer team for earthquake rescue and relief. A volunteer network was formed and relevant service regulations were formulated immediately. Volunteers have played an important role in post-earthquake evacuation of patients, emergency reception, ward care, on-call service, a service to help people find family members, telecommunications and some other major tasks.
AI Chunxia,LI Qiulin,SONG Ying,DENG Shaolin. Youth Volunteers of West China Medical School/ West China Hospital of Sichuan University after the Wenchuan Earthquake. Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, 2008, 08(7): 499-501. doi: 10.7507/1672-2531.20080113
Copyright © the editorial department of Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine of West China Medical Publisher. All rights reserved
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- 1. 周凌艳. 大学生青年志愿者在和谐校园构建中的作用. 边疆经济与文化, 2008, 1: 160-161.
- 2. 呼唤专业化志愿服务. http:/ / 2005-02/17/content_3727348.htm 2007-10-28 2007-10-31.
- 3. 吴江. 1994-1997中国志愿服务的文献研究. 中国青年研究, 2008, 1: 85-89.
- 4. 中国青少年研究中心、团中央青年志愿者行动指导中心课题组; 张卫民; 郝瑞庭; 彭泗清. 中国青年志愿者行动研究报告(续). 中国青年研究, 2001, 3: 44-50.
- 5. 姚国会. 加强重大危机应对势在必行. 社会观察, 2005, 2: 17.
- 6. 杨清虎, 叶一隆. 2006年台湾屏东7.0级地震救灾与应变分析. 地震研究, 2008, 31(1): 95-99.
- 7. 卢成军, 徐峥嵘. 论我国地方政府的危机应对—以云南省昭通市“7•22”地震为例. 三峡大学学报(人文社会科学版), 2008, 30(2): 58-61.