Chinese Gerontological Society of Nutrition and Food Safety Association, Chinese Evidence-Based Medicine Center, Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, Editorial Board of Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine,
Citation: Chinese Gerontological Society of Nutrition and Food Safety Association, Chinese Evidence-Based Medicine Center, Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, Editorial Board of Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine. Chinese expert consensus on home nutrition administration for the elderly (version 2017). Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, 2017, 17(11): 1251-1259. doi: 10.7507/1672-2531.201707095 Copy
1. | 柴培培, 张毓辉, 万泉, 等. 我国老年营养不良的疾病经济负担研究. 中国卫生经济, 2016, 35(3): 13-16. |
2. | 全国科学技术名词审定委员会. 肠外与肠内营养学名词. Avialble at: t20160520_335857.html. |
3. | Klek S, Hermanowicz A, Dziwiszek G, et al. Home enteral nutrition reduces complications, length of stay, and health care costs: results from a multicenter study. Am J Clin Nutr, 2014, 100(2): 609-615. |
4. | Klek S, Szybinski P, Sierzega M, et al. Commercial enteral formulas and nutrition support teams improve the outcome of home enteral tube feeding. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr, 2011, 35(3): 380-385. |
5. | Majka AJ, Wang Z, Schmitz KR, et al. Care coordination to enhance management of long-term enteral tube feeding. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr, 2014, 38(1): 40-52. |
6. | 王新颖, 牛程麟, 黄迎春, 等. 一个中心家庭肠内营养应用状况分析. 合肥: 2010全国肠外肠内营养学术会议, 2010. |
7. | ACI Home Enteral Clinical Innovation. Nutrition network guidelines for home enteral nutrition. Agency For Clinical Innovation, 2012. |
8. | 唐普贤. 全国大医院老年住院患者营养状况调查. 北京: 北京协和医学院外科学(普通外科), 2012. |
9. | 孙建琴, 黄承钰, 莫宝庆, 等. 中国五大城市老年人营养风险调查报告. 杭州: 中国营养学会第十一次全国营养科学大会暨国际DRIs研讨会, 2013. |
10. | Hamirudin AH, Charlton K, Walton K. Outcomes related to nutrition screening in community living older adults: a systematic literature review. Arch Gerontol Geriatr, 2016, 62: 9-25. |
11. | 徐家珠, 陈晔, 陈斌, 等. 微型营养评价法评估老年患者营养状况. 医学信息, 2014, 27(12): 396. |
12. | 曾平, 朱鸣雷, 刘晓红, 等. 通过老年综合评估分析北京市社区老年人的营养状况. 中华老年多器官疾病杂志, 2016, 15(8): 579-582. |
13. | Isabel TD, Correia M. The impact of malnutrition on morbidity, mortality, length of hospital stay and costs evaluated through a multivariate model analysis. Clinical Nutrition, 2003, 22(3): 235-239. |
14. | Marshall S, Bauer J, Isenring E. The consequences of malnutrition following discharge from rehabilitation to the community: a systematic review of current evidence in older adults.? 2014, 27(2): 133-141. |
15. | 王丹, 郝瑞瑞, 姜春燕. 老年住院患者营养状况对预后影响的临床观察. 临床和实验医学杂志, 2016, 15(16): 1571-1574. |
16. | Guigoz Y. The Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) review of the literature-What does it tell us? J Nutr Health Aging, 2006, 10(6): 466-485. |
17. | Guigoz Y, Vellas B. The mini nutritional assessment (MNA) for grading the nutritional state of elderly patients: presentation of the MNA, history and validation. Nestle Nutrition Workshop Series: Clinical & Performance Program, 1999: 3-12. |
18. | Skipper A, Ferguson M, Thompson K, et al. Nutrition Screening Tools. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr, 2012, 36(3): 292-298. |
19. | 中华医学会肠外肠内营养学分会老年营养支持学组. 老年患者肠外肠内营养支持中国专家共识. 中华老年医学杂志, 2013, 32(9): 913-929. |
20. | 石汉平, 赵青川, 王昆华, 等. 营养不良的三级诊断. 肿瘤代谢与营养电子杂志, 2015, 2(2): 31-36. |
21. | Volkert D, Chourdakis M, Faxen-Irving G, et al. ESPEN guidelines on nutrition in dementia. Clin Nutr, 2015, 34(6): 1052-1073. |
22. | Teitelbaum D, Guenter P, Howell WH, et al. Definition of terms, style, and conventions used in A.S.P.E.N. guidelines and standards. Nutr Clin Pract, 2005, 20(2): 281-285. |
23. | Cederholm T, Bosaeus I, Barazzoni R, et al. Diagnostic criteria for malnutrition-An ESPEN Consensus Statement. Clin Nutr, 2015, 34(3): 335-340. |
24. | 洪少华, 傅圆圆, 严谨. 杭州市老年人营养知识掌握现状及饮食习惯的调查分析. 全科护理, 2015, 13(34): 3435-3437. |
25. | 廖标, 蒋陈敏斯, 郭时印. 长沙市不同养老模式老年人营养知识、态度和行为调查. 中国老年学杂志, 2015, 35(15): 4343-4346. |
26. | 王学屏, 陈瑞鹏, 邢朝云, 等. 农村老年人日常饮食营养调查. 中国老年学杂志, 2016, 36(16): 4077-4078. |
27. | 宓伟, 丁洁, 周歌, 等. 烟台市不同性别老年人膳食营养与知识现状调查分析. 营养学报, 2016, 38(2): 195-197. |
28. | Orsitto G, Fulvio F, Tria D, et al. Nutritional status in hospitalized elderly patients with mild cognitive impairment. Clin Nutr, 2009, 28(1): 100-102. |
29. | Sheard JM, Ash S, Silburn PA, et al. Prevalence of malnutrition in Parkinson's disease: a systematic review. Nutr Rev, 2011, 69(9): 520-532. |
30. | 蒲虹杉, 董碧蓉. 老年相关疾病与营养不良. 肠外与肠内营养, 2013, 20(2): 123-125. |
31. | Sahyoun NR, Pratt CA, Anderson A. Evaluation of nutrition education interventions for older adults: A proposed framework. J Am Diet Assoc, 2004, 104(1): 58-69. |
32. | Bandayrel K, Wong S. Systematic literature review of randomized control trials assessing the effectiveness of nutrition interventions in community-dwelling older adults. J Nutr Educ Behav, 2011, 43(4): 251-262. |
33. | Beck AM, Kjær S, Hansen BS, et al. Follow-up home visits with registered dietitians have a positive effect on the functional and nutritional status of geriatric medical patients after discharge: a randomized controlled trial. Clin Rehabil, 2013, 27(6): 483-493. |
34. | Nykanen I, Rissanen TH, Sulkava R, et al. Effects of individual dietary counseling as part of a comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) on nutritional status: a population-based intervention study. J Nutr Health Aging, 2014, 18(1): 54-58. |
35. | Michael YL, Whitlock EP, Lin JS, et al. Primary care-relevant interventions to prevent falling in older adults: a systematic evidence review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Ann Intern Med, 2010, 153(12): 815-825. |
36. | Cameron ID, Murray GR, Gillespie LD, et al. Interventions for preventing falls in older people in nursing care facilities and hospitals. Cochrane Data Sys Rev, 2010, (12): CD0054651. |
37. | Gillespie LD, Robertson MC, Gillespie WJ, et al. Interventions for preventing falls in older people living in the community. Cochrane Data Sys Rev, 2012, (9): CD0071469. |
38. | Nava LT, Zambrano JM, Arviso KP, et al. Nutrition-based interventions to address metabolic syndrome in the Navajo: a systematic review. J Clin Nurs, 2015, 24(21-22): 3024-3045. |
39. | Shahar S, Adznam SN, Lee LK, et al. A nutrition education intervention for anthropometric and biochemical profiles of rural older malays with metabolic syndrome. Public Health Nurs, 2013, 30(2): 140-149. |
40. | 刘琳, 叶苗凉, 韩雪. 2014年上海市杨浦区社区老年2型糖尿病患者营养干预效果研究. 上海预防医学, 2015, 27(11): 665-668. |
41. | 张翠菊. 研究分析老年糖尿病患者社区护理干预的效果. 中国农村卫生, 2016, (18): 63-64. |
42. | 石劢, 许美艳, 董巡. 2型糖尿病老年患者营养门诊咨询模式的研究. 中国食物与营养, 2014, 20(11): 83-86. |
43. | Appel LJ, Espeland MA, Easter L, et al. Effects of reduced sodium intake on hypertension control in older individuals-Results from the trial of nonpharmacologic interventions in the elderly. Arch Intern Med, 2001, 161(5): 685-693. |
44. | Troyer JL, Racine EF, Ngugi GW, et al. The effect of home-delivered Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH) meals on the diets of older adults with cardiovascular disease. Am J Clin Nutr, 2010, 91(5): 1204-1212. |
45. | 李延芳, 叶斌. 社区老年人实施被动式膳食干预及营养教育对脂代谢及其相关高血压的影响研究. 中国现代医生, 2014, 52(11): 100-103. |
46. | 张静. 营养教育与被动式膳食干预对社区中老年人脂代谢及其相关慢性病作用的研究. 南京: 东南大学, 2003. |
47. | 赵丽云, 翟凤英, 李丹, 等. " 膳食指南” 营养教育项目调查结果分析. 北京: 中国营养学会第八次全国营养学术会议, 2000. |
48. | Manilla B, Keller HH, Hedley MR. Food tasting as nutrition education for older adults. Can J Diet Pract Res, 2010, 71(2): 99-102. |
49. | McClelland JW, Jayaratne KS, Bird C. Use of song as an effective teaching strategy for nutrition education in older adults. J Nutr Gerontol Geriatr, 2015, 34(1): 22-33. |
50. | Lara J, Turbett E, Mckevic A, et al. The Mediterranean diet among British older adults: Its understanding, acceptability and the feasibility of a randomised brief intervention with two levels of dietary advice. Maturitas, 2015, 82(4): 387-393. |
- 1. 柴培培, 张毓辉, 万泉, 等. 我国老年营养不良的疾病经济负担研究. 中国卫生经济, 2016, 35(3): 13-16.
- 2. 全国科学技术名词审定委员会. 肠外与肠内营养学名词. Avialble at: t20160520_335857.html.
- 3. Klek S, Hermanowicz A, Dziwiszek G, et al. Home enteral nutrition reduces complications, length of stay, and health care costs: results from a multicenter study. Am J Clin Nutr, 2014, 100(2): 609-615.
- 4. Klek S, Szybinski P, Sierzega M, et al. Commercial enteral formulas and nutrition support teams improve the outcome of home enteral tube feeding. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr, 2011, 35(3): 380-385.
- 5. Majka AJ, Wang Z, Schmitz KR, et al. Care coordination to enhance management of long-term enteral tube feeding. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr, 2014, 38(1): 40-52.
- 6. 王新颖, 牛程麟, 黄迎春, 等. 一个中心家庭肠内营养应用状况分析. 合肥: 2010全国肠外肠内营养学术会议, 2010.
- 7. ACI Home Enteral Clinical Innovation. Nutrition network guidelines for home enteral nutrition. Agency For Clinical Innovation, 2012.
- 8. 唐普贤. 全国大医院老年住院患者营养状况调查. 北京: 北京协和医学院外科学(普通外科), 2012.
- 9. 孙建琴, 黄承钰, 莫宝庆, 等. 中国五大城市老年人营养风险调查报告. 杭州: 中国营养学会第十一次全国营养科学大会暨国际DRIs研讨会, 2013.
- 10. Hamirudin AH, Charlton K, Walton K. Outcomes related to nutrition screening in community living older adults: a systematic literature review. Arch Gerontol Geriatr, 2016, 62: 9-25.
- 11. 徐家珠, 陈晔, 陈斌, 等. 微型营养评价法评估老年患者营养状况. 医学信息, 2014, 27(12): 396.
- 12. 曾平, 朱鸣雷, 刘晓红, 等. 通过老年综合评估分析北京市社区老年人的营养状况. 中华老年多器官疾病杂志, 2016, 15(8): 579-582.
- 13. Isabel TD, Correia M. The impact of malnutrition on morbidity, mortality, length of hospital stay and costs evaluated through a multivariate model analysis. Clinical Nutrition, 2003, 22(3): 235-239.
- 14. Marshall S, Bauer J, Isenring E. The consequences of malnutrition following discharge from rehabilitation to the community: a systematic review of current evidence in older adults.? 2014, 27(2): 133-141.
- 15. 王丹, 郝瑞瑞, 姜春燕. 老年住院患者营养状况对预后影响的临床观察. 临床和实验医学杂志, 2016, 15(16): 1571-1574.
- 16. Guigoz Y. The Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) review of the literature-What does it tell us? J Nutr Health Aging, 2006, 10(6): 466-485.
- 17. Guigoz Y, Vellas B. The mini nutritional assessment (MNA) for grading the nutritional state of elderly patients: presentation of the MNA, history and validation. Nestle Nutrition Workshop Series: Clinical & Performance Program, 1999: 3-12.
- 18. Skipper A, Ferguson M, Thompson K, et al. Nutrition Screening Tools. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr, 2012, 36(3): 292-298.
- 19. 中华医学会肠外肠内营养学分会老年营养支持学组. 老年患者肠外肠内营养支持中国专家共识. 中华老年医学杂志, 2013, 32(9): 913-929.
- 20. 石汉平, 赵青川, 王昆华, 等. 营养不良的三级诊断. 肿瘤代谢与营养电子杂志, 2015, 2(2): 31-36.
- 21. Volkert D, Chourdakis M, Faxen-Irving G, et al. ESPEN guidelines on nutrition in dementia. Clin Nutr, 2015, 34(6): 1052-1073.
- 22. Teitelbaum D, Guenter P, Howell WH, et al. Definition of terms, style, and conventions used in A.S.P.E.N. guidelines and standards. Nutr Clin Pract, 2005, 20(2): 281-285.
- 23. Cederholm T, Bosaeus I, Barazzoni R, et al. Diagnostic criteria for malnutrition-An ESPEN Consensus Statement. Clin Nutr, 2015, 34(3): 335-340.
- 24. 洪少华, 傅圆圆, 严谨. 杭州市老年人营养知识掌握现状及饮食习惯的调查分析. 全科护理, 2015, 13(34): 3435-3437.
- 25. 廖标, 蒋陈敏斯, 郭时印. 长沙市不同养老模式老年人营养知识、态度和行为调查. 中国老年学杂志, 2015, 35(15): 4343-4346.
- 26. 王学屏, 陈瑞鹏, 邢朝云, 等. 农村老年人日常饮食营养调查. 中国老年学杂志, 2016, 36(16): 4077-4078.
- 27. 宓伟, 丁洁, 周歌, 等. 烟台市不同性别老年人膳食营养与知识现状调查分析. 营养学报, 2016, 38(2): 195-197.
- 28. Orsitto G, Fulvio F, Tria D, et al. Nutritional status in hospitalized elderly patients with mild cognitive impairment. Clin Nutr, 2009, 28(1): 100-102.
- 29. Sheard JM, Ash S, Silburn PA, et al. Prevalence of malnutrition in Parkinson's disease: a systematic review. Nutr Rev, 2011, 69(9): 520-532.
- 30. 蒲虹杉, 董碧蓉. 老年相关疾病与营养不良. 肠外与肠内营养, 2013, 20(2): 123-125.
- 31. Sahyoun NR, Pratt CA, Anderson A. Evaluation of nutrition education interventions for older adults: A proposed framework. J Am Diet Assoc, 2004, 104(1): 58-69.
- 32. Bandayrel K, Wong S. Systematic literature review of randomized control trials assessing the effectiveness of nutrition interventions in community-dwelling older adults. J Nutr Educ Behav, 2011, 43(4): 251-262.
- 33. Beck AM, Kjær S, Hansen BS, et al. Follow-up home visits with registered dietitians have a positive effect on the functional and nutritional status of geriatric medical patients after discharge: a randomized controlled trial. Clin Rehabil, 2013, 27(6): 483-493.
- 34. Nykanen I, Rissanen TH, Sulkava R, et al. Effects of individual dietary counseling as part of a comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) on nutritional status: a population-based intervention study. J Nutr Health Aging, 2014, 18(1): 54-58.
- 35. Michael YL, Whitlock EP, Lin JS, et al. Primary care-relevant interventions to prevent falling in older adults: a systematic evidence review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Ann Intern Med, 2010, 153(12): 815-825.
- 36. Cameron ID, Murray GR, Gillespie LD, et al. Interventions for preventing falls in older people in nursing care facilities and hospitals. Cochrane Data Sys Rev, 2010, (12): CD0054651.
- 37. Gillespie LD, Robertson MC, Gillespie WJ, et al. Interventions for preventing falls in older people living in the community. Cochrane Data Sys Rev, 2012, (9): CD0071469.
- 38. Nava LT, Zambrano JM, Arviso KP, et al. Nutrition-based interventions to address metabolic syndrome in the Navajo: a systematic review. J Clin Nurs, 2015, 24(21-22): 3024-3045.
- 39. Shahar S, Adznam SN, Lee LK, et al. A nutrition education intervention for anthropometric and biochemical profiles of rural older malays with metabolic syndrome. Public Health Nurs, 2013, 30(2): 140-149.
- 40. 刘琳, 叶苗凉, 韩雪. 2014年上海市杨浦区社区老年2型糖尿病患者营养干预效果研究. 上海预防医学, 2015, 27(11): 665-668.
- 41. 张翠菊. 研究分析老年糖尿病患者社区护理干预的效果. 中国农村卫生, 2016, (18): 63-64.
- 42. 石劢, 许美艳, 董巡. 2型糖尿病老年患者营养门诊咨询模式的研究. 中国食物与营养, 2014, 20(11): 83-86.
- 43. Appel LJ, Espeland MA, Easter L, et al. Effects of reduced sodium intake on hypertension control in older individuals-Results from the trial of nonpharmacologic interventions in the elderly. Arch Intern Med, 2001, 161(5): 685-693.
- 44. Troyer JL, Racine EF, Ngugi GW, et al. The effect of home-delivered Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH) meals on the diets of older adults with cardiovascular disease. Am J Clin Nutr, 2010, 91(5): 1204-1212.
- 45. 李延芳, 叶斌. 社区老年人实施被动式膳食干预及营养教育对脂代谢及其相关高血压的影响研究. 中国现代医生, 2014, 52(11): 100-103.
- 46. 张静. 营养教育与被动式膳食干预对社区中老年人脂代谢及其相关慢性病作用的研究. 南京: 东南大学, 2003.
- 47. 赵丽云, 翟凤英, 李丹, 等. " 膳食指南” 营养教育项目调查结果分析. 北京: 中国营养学会第八次全国营养学术会议, 2000.
- 48. Manilla B, Keller HH, Hedley MR. Food tasting as nutrition education for older adults. Can J Diet Pract Res, 2010, 71(2): 99-102.
- 49. McClelland JW, Jayaratne KS, Bird C. Use of song as an effective teaching strategy for nutrition education in older adults. J Nutr Gerontol Geriatr, 2015, 34(1): 22-33.
- 50. Lara J, Turbett E, Mckevic A, et al. The Mediterranean diet among British older adults: Its understanding, acceptability and the feasibility of a randomised brief intervention with two levels of dietary advice. Maturitas, 2015, 82(4): 387-393.