Citation: 中国抗癫痫协会癫痫中心规范化建设工作委员会. 癫痫外科治疗术前评估规范(草案). Journal of Epilepsy, 2020, 6(4): 273-295. doi: 10.7507/2096-0247.20200047 Copy
Copyright © the editorial department of Journal of Epilepsy of West China Medical Publisher. All rights reserved
1. | Smith ML, Olds J, Snyder T, et al. A follow-up study of cognitive function in young adults who had resective epilepsy surgery in childhood. Epilepsy Behav, 2014, 32: 79-83. |
2. | Wiebe S, Blume WT, Girvin JP, et al. A randomized, controlled trial of surgery for temporal-lobe epilepsy. New England Journal of Medicine, 2001, 345(5): 311-318. |
3. | Engel J, Mcdermott MP, Wiebe S, et al. Early surgical therapy for drug-resistant temporal lobe epilepsy: a randomized trial. The Journal of the American Medical Association, 2012, 307(9): 922-930. |
4. | Edelvik A, Rydenhag B, Olsson I, et al. Long-term outcomes of epilepsy surgery in Sweden: A national prospective and longitudinal study. Neurology, 2013, 81(14): 1244-1251. |
5. | Ansari SF, Tubbs RS, Terry CL, et al. Surgery for extratemporal nonlesional epilepsy in adults: an outcome meta-analysis. Acta Neurochirurgica, 2010, 152(8): 1299-1305. |
6. | Althausen A, Gleissner U, Hoppe C, et al. Long-term outcome of hemispheric surgery at different ages in 61 epilepsy patients. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 2012, 84(5): 529-536. |
7. | Malik SI, Galliani CA, Hernandez AW, et al. Epilepsy surgery for early infantile epileptic encephalopathy (Ohtahara syndrome). Journal of Child Neurology, 2013, 28(12): 1607-1617. |
8. | Lancman G, Virk M, Shao H, et al. Vagus nerve stimulation vs. corpus callosotomy in the treatment of Lennox-Gastaut syndrome: A meta-analysis. Seizure, 2013, 22(1): 3-8. |
9. | Robert Fisher, Vicenta Salanova, Thomas Witt, et al. Electrical stimulation of the anterior nucleus of thalamusfor treatment of refractory epilepsy. Epilepsia, 2010, 51(5): 899-908. |
10. | Téllez-Zenteno JF, Hernández Ronquillo L, Moien-Afshari F, et al. Surgical outcomes in lesional and non-lesional epilepsy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Epilepsy Res, 2010, 89(2-3): 310-318. |
11. | 12 Berkovic SF, McIntosh AM, Kalnins RM, et al. Preoperative MRI predicts outcome of temporal lobectomy: an actuarial analysis. Neurology, 1995, 45(7): 1358-1363. |
12. | 13 Cascino GD, Jack CR Jr, Parisi JE, et al. MRI in the presurgical evaluation of patients with frontal lobe epilepsy and children with temporal lobe epilepsy: pathologic correlation and prognostic importance. Epilepsy Res, 1992, 11(1): 51-59. |
13. | 14 Duncan JS. Imaging in the surgical treatment of epilepsy. Nat Rev Neurol, 2010, 6(10): 537-550. |
14. | 15 Knake S, Triantafyllou C, Wald LL, et al. 3T phased array MRI improves the presurgical evaluation in focal epilepsies: a prospective study. Neurology, 2005, 65(7): 1026-1031. |
15. | De Ciantis A, Barba C, Tassi L, et al. 7T MRI in focal epilepsy with unrevealing conventional field strength imaging. Epilepsia, 2016, 57(3): 445-454. |
16. | Bernasconi A, Bernasconi N, Bernhardt BC, et al. Advances in MRI for 'cryptogenic' epilepsies. Nat Rev Neurol, 2011, 7(2): 99-108. |
17. | Bien CG, Szinay M, Wagner J, et al. Characteristics and surgical outcomes of patients with refractory magnetic resonance imaging-negative epilepsies. Arch Neurol, 2009, 66(12): 1491-1499. |
18. | Huppertz HJ, Wagner J, Weber B, et al. Automated quantitative FLAIR analysis in hippocampal sclerosis. Epilepsy Res, 2011, 97(1-2): 146-156. |
19. | Huppertz HJ, Grimm C, Fauser S, et al. Enhanced visualization of blurred gray-white matter junctions in focal cortical dysplasia by voxel-based 3D MRI analysis. Epilepsy Res, 2005, 67(1-2): 35-50. |
20. | Wang ZI, Jones SE2, Jaisani Z, et al. Voxel-based morphometric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) postprocessing in MRI-negative epilepsies. Ann Neurol, 2015, 77(6): 1060-1075. |
21. | Bernasconi A, Antel SB, Collins DL, et al. Texture analysis and morphological processing of magnetic resonance imaging assist detection of focal cortical dysplasia in extra-temporal partial epilepsy. Ann Neurol, 2001, 49(6): 770-775. |
22. | Besson P, Andermann F, Dubeau F, et al. Small focal cortical dysplasia lesions are located at the bottom of a deep sulcus. Brain, 2008, 131(Pt 12): 3246-3255. |
23. | Besson P, Bernasconi N, Colliot O, et al. Surface-based texture and morphological analysis detects subtle cortical dysplasia. Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv, 2008, 11(Pt 1): 645-652. |
24. | Jackson GD, Connelly A, Cross JH, et al. Functional magnetic resonance imaging of focal seizures. Neurology, 1994, 44(5): 850-856. |
25. | Thornton R, Laufs H, Rodionov R, et al. EEG correlated functional MRI and postoperative outcome in focal epilepsy. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2010, 81(8): 922-927. |
26. | Thornton R, Vulliemoz S, Rodionov R, et al. Epileptic networks in focal cortical dysplasia revealed using electroencephalography-functional magnetic resonance imaging. Ann Neurol, 2011, 70(5): 822-837. |
27. | Burneo JG, Poon R, Kellett S, et al. The utility of positron emission tomography in epilepsy. Can J Neurol Sci, 2015, 42(6): 360-371. |
28. | 金超岭, 郑玉民, 焦劲松, 等. 应用发作期单光子发射计算机断层显像减影和 MRI 图像配准在难治性癫痫中定位癫痫源. 中华神经科杂志, 2016, 49(5): 348-352. |
29. | 30 Sun W, Fu W, Wang D, et al. Ipsilateral responses of motor evoked potential correlated with the motor functional outcomes after cortical resection. Int J Psychophysiol, 2009, 73(3): 377-382. |
30. | Zsoter A, Pieper T, Kudernatsch M, et al. Predicting hand function after hemispherotomy: TMS versus fMRI in hemisphericpolymicrogyria. Epilepsia, 2012, 53(4): e98-e101. |
31. | 王德泉, 王玉平, 李勇杰, 等. 多导硬脑膜外体感诱发电位对大脑皮质躯体运动感觉功能区的定位. 中华神经科杂志, 2009, 42(1): 56-59. |
32. | H Lüders, Lesser RP, Dinner D S, et al. The second sensory area in humans: Evoked potential and electrical stimulation studies. Annals of Neurology, 1985, 17(2): 177-184. |
33. | Epstein CM, Meador KJ, Loring DW, et al. Localization and characterization of speech arrest during transcranial magnetic stimulation. Clin Neurophysiol, 1999, 110: 1073-1079. |
34. | Stewart L, Walsh V, Frith U, et al. TMS produces two dissociable types of speech disruption. Neuroimage, 2001, 13(3): 472-478. |
35. | Michelucci R, Valzania F, Passarelli D, et al. Rapid-rate transcranial magnetic stimulation and hemispheric language dominance: usefulness and safety in epilepsy. Neurology, 1994, 44(6): 1697-1700. |
36. | Jennum P, F riberg L, Fuglsang-Frederiksen A, et al. Speech localization using repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation. Neurology, 1994, 44(2): 269-273. |
37. | Lachaux JP, Rudrauf D, Kahane P. Intracranial EEG and human brain mapping. J Physiol Paris, 2003, 97(1): 613-628. |
38. | Hoshida T, Hirabayashi H, Kaido T, et al. Functional brain mapping detected by cortical stimulation using chronically implanted electrodes. International Congress Series, 2002, 1232(Suppl 1): 877-881. |
39. | Hamberger MJ. Cortical language mapping in epilepsy: a critical review. Neuropsychology Review, 2007, 17(2): 477-489. |
40. | 江建东, 谭启富, 姚一, 等. 丙泊酚 Wada 试验在脑功能区病变术前评估中的应用. 国际脑血管病杂志, 2013, 21(10): 769-774. |
41. | Ch iu, A HY, Bynevelt M, Lawn N, et al. Propofol as a substitute for amobarbital in Wada testing. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 2015, 22(11): 1830-1832. |
42. | 马云霞, 刘献增, 孙中生. Wada 试验在癫痫外科术前评估中的应用. 中华行为医学与脑科学杂志, 2010, 19(12): 1139-1141. |
43. | Luders HO, Comair YG. 王志刚译. 癫痫外科学. 济南: 山东科学技术出版社, 2003, 502-5l0. |
44. | Baxendale Sallie. The Wada test. Current Opinion in Neurology, 2009, 22(2): 185-189. |
45. | Wilson S. Task force members. In response: Indications and expectations for neuropsychological assessment in routine epilepsy care: Report of the ILAE neuropsychology task force, diagnostic methods commission, 2013-2017. Epilepsia, 2015, 56(8): 1316-1317. |
46. | Jones-Gotman M, Smith ML, Risse GL, et al. The contribution of neuropsychology to diagnostic assessment in epilepsy. Epilepsy Behav, 2010, 18(1-2): 3-12. |
47. | Hamberger MJ. Object naming in epilepsy and epilepsy surgery. Epilepsy Behav, 2015, 46: 27-33. |
48. | French JA, Williamson PD, Thadani VM, et al. Characteristics of medial temporal lobe epilepsy: I. results of history and physical examination. Annals of Neurology, 1993, 34(1): 171-179. |
49. | Kahane P, Bartolomei F. Temporal lobe epilepsy and hippocampal sclerosis: Lessons from depth EEG recordings. Epilepsia, 2010, 51(Suppl 1): 59-62. |
50. | Bartolomei F, Wendling F, Vignal JP, et al. Seizures of temporal lobe epilepsy: Identification of subtypes by coherence analysis using stereo-electro-encephalography. Clinical Neurophysiology, 1999, 110(10): 1741-1754. |
51. | Isnard J, Marc Guénot, Ostrowsky K, et al. The role of the insular cortex in temporal lobe epilepsy. Annals of Neurology, 2000, 48(4): 614-623. |
52. | Mohamed IS, Gibbs SA, Robert M, et al. The utility of magnetoencephalography in the presurgical evaluation of refractory insular epilepsy. Epilepsia, 2013, 54(11): 1950-1959. |
53. | Kurth F, Zilles K, Fox PT, et al. A link between the systems: functional differentiation and integration within the human insula revealed by meta-analysis. Brain Structure & Function, 2010, 214(5-6): 519-534. |
54. | Afif A, Minotti L, Kahane P, et al. Anatomofunctional organization of the insular cortex: A study using intracerebral electrical stimulation in epileptic patients. Epilepsia, 2010, 51(11): 2305-2315. |
55. | Pugnaghi M, Meletti S, Castana L, et al. Features of somatosensory manifestations induced by intracranial electrical stimulations of the human insula. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2011, 122(10): 2058. |
56. | Bonini F, Mcgonigal A, Trébuchon, Agnè s, et al. Frontal lobe seizures: From clinical semiology to localization. Epilepsia, 2014, 55(2): 264-277. |
57. | Englot DJ, Wang DD, Rolston JD, et al. Rates and predictors of long-term seizure freedom after frontal lobe epilepsy surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Neurosurgery, 2012, 116(5): 1042-1048. |
58. | Lacuey N, Davila JC, Zonjy B, et al. Lesion-negative anterior cingulate epilepsy. Epileptic Disorders: International Epilepsy Journal With Videotape, 2015, 17(2): 134-142. |
59. | Lee RW, Worrell GA. Dorsolateral frontal lobe epilepsy. J Clin Neurophysiol, 2012, 29(5): 379-384. |
60. | Holtkamp M, Sharan A, Sperling MR. Intracranial EEG in predicting surgical outcome in frontal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia, 2012, 53(10): 1739-1745. |
61. | 遇涛, 张国君, 李勇杰, 等. 后皮质癫痫的临床特征分析与手术治疗. 中华神经科杂志, 2008, 41(2): 168-171. |
62. | Blume WT, Whiting SE, Girvin JP. Epilepsy surgery in the posterior cortex. Ann Neurol, 1991, 29(2): 638-645. |
63. | Kolster H, Peeters R, Orban GA. The retinotopic organization of the human middle temporal area MT/V5 and Its cortical neighbors. Journal of Neuroscience, 2010, 30(29): 9801-9820. |
64. | Krauzlis RJ. Recasting the smooth pursuit eye movement system. Journal of Neurophysiology, 2004, 91(4): 591-603. |
65. | Boesebeck F, Schulz R, May T, et al. Lateralizing semiology predicts the seizure outcome after epilepsy surgery in the posterior cortex. Brain, 2002, 125(10): 2320-2331. |
66. | Cross JH, Jayakar P, Nordli D, et al. Proposed criteria for referral and evaluation of children for epilepsy surgery: Recommendations of the subcommission for pediatric epilepsy surgery. Epilepsia, 2006, 47(6): 952-959. |
- 1. Smith ML, Olds J, Snyder T, et al. A follow-up study of cognitive function in young adults who had resective epilepsy surgery in childhood. Epilepsy Behav, 2014, 32: 79-83.
- 2. Wiebe S, Blume WT, Girvin JP, et al. A randomized, controlled trial of surgery for temporal-lobe epilepsy. New England Journal of Medicine, 2001, 345(5): 311-318.
- 3. Engel J, Mcdermott MP, Wiebe S, et al. Early surgical therapy for drug-resistant temporal lobe epilepsy: a randomized trial. The Journal of the American Medical Association, 2012, 307(9): 922-930.
- 4. Edelvik A, Rydenhag B, Olsson I, et al. Long-term outcomes of epilepsy surgery in Sweden: A national prospective and longitudinal study. Neurology, 2013, 81(14): 1244-1251.
- 5. Ansari SF, Tubbs RS, Terry CL, et al. Surgery for extratemporal nonlesional epilepsy in adults: an outcome meta-analysis. Acta Neurochirurgica, 2010, 152(8): 1299-1305.
- 6. Althausen A, Gleissner U, Hoppe C, et al. Long-term outcome of hemispheric surgery at different ages in 61 epilepsy patients. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 2012, 84(5): 529-536.
- 7. Malik SI, Galliani CA, Hernandez AW, et al. Epilepsy surgery for early infantile epileptic encephalopathy (Ohtahara syndrome). Journal of Child Neurology, 2013, 28(12): 1607-1617.
- 8. Lancman G, Virk M, Shao H, et al. Vagus nerve stimulation vs. corpus callosotomy in the treatment of Lennox-Gastaut syndrome: A meta-analysis. Seizure, 2013, 22(1): 3-8.
- 9. Robert Fisher, Vicenta Salanova, Thomas Witt, et al. Electrical stimulation of the anterior nucleus of thalamusfor treatment of refractory epilepsy. Epilepsia, 2010, 51(5): 899-908.
- 10. Téllez-Zenteno JF, Hernández Ronquillo L, Moien-Afshari F, et al. Surgical outcomes in lesional and non-lesional epilepsy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Epilepsy Res, 2010, 89(2-3): 310-318.
- 11. 12 Berkovic SF, McIntosh AM, Kalnins RM, et al. Preoperative MRI predicts outcome of temporal lobectomy: an actuarial analysis. Neurology, 1995, 45(7): 1358-1363.
- 12. 13 Cascino GD, Jack CR Jr, Parisi JE, et al. MRI in the presurgical evaluation of patients with frontal lobe epilepsy and children with temporal lobe epilepsy: pathologic correlation and prognostic importance. Epilepsy Res, 1992, 11(1): 51-59.
- 13. 14 Duncan JS. Imaging in the surgical treatment of epilepsy. Nat Rev Neurol, 2010, 6(10): 537-550.
- 14. 15 Knake S, Triantafyllou C, Wald LL, et al. 3T phased array MRI improves the presurgical evaluation in focal epilepsies: a prospective study. Neurology, 2005, 65(7): 1026-1031.
- 15. De Ciantis A, Barba C, Tassi L, et al. 7T MRI in focal epilepsy with unrevealing conventional field strength imaging. Epilepsia, 2016, 57(3): 445-454.
- 16. Bernasconi A, Bernasconi N, Bernhardt BC, et al. Advances in MRI for 'cryptogenic' epilepsies. Nat Rev Neurol, 2011, 7(2): 99-108.
- 17. Bien CG, Szinay M, Wagner J, et al. Characteristics and surgical outcomes of patients with refractory magnetic resonance imaging-negative epilepsies. Arch Neurol, 2009, 66(12): 1491-1499.
- 18. Huppertz HJ, Wagner J, Weber B, et al. Automated quantitative FLAIR analysis in hippocampal sclerosis. Epilepsy Res, 2011, 97(1-2): 146-156.
- 19. Huppertz HJ, Grimm C, Fauser S, et al. Enhanced visualization of blurred gray-white matter junctions in focal cortical dysplasia by voxel-based 3D MRI analysis. Epilepsy Res, 2005, 67(1-2): 35-50.
- 20. Wang ZI, Jones SE2, Jaisani Z, et al. Voxel-based morphometric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) postprocessing in MRI-negative epilepsies. Ann Neurol, 2015, 77(6): 1060-1075.
- 21. Bernasconi A, Antel SB, Collins DL, et al. Texture analysis and morphological processing of magnetic resonance imaging assist detection of focal cortical dysplasia in extra-temporal partial epilepsy. Ann Neurol, 2001, 49(6): 770-775.
- 22. Besson P, Andermann F, Dubeau F, et al. Small focal cortical dysplasia lesions are located at the bottom of a deep sulcus. Brain, 2008, 131(Pt 12): 3246-3255.
- 23. Besson P, Bernasconi N, Colliot O, et al. Surface-based texture and morphological analysis detects subtle cortical dysplasia. Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv, 2008, 11(Pt 1): 645-652.
- 24. Jackson GD, Connelly A, Cross JH, et al. Functional magnetic resonance imaging of focal seizures. Neurology, 1994, 44(5): 850-856.
- 25. Thornton R, Laufs H, Rodionov R, et al. EEG correlated functional MRI and postoperative outcome in focal epilepsy. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2010, 81(8): 922-927.
- 26. Thornton R, Vulliemoz S, Rodionov R, et al. Epileptic networks in focal cortical dysplasia revealed using electroencephalography-functional magnetic resonance imaging. Ann Neurol, 2011, 70(5): 822-837.
- 27. Burneo JG, Poon R, Kellett S, et al. The utility of positron emission tomography in epilepsy. Can J Neurol Sci, 2015, 42(6): 360-371.
- 28. 金超岭, 郑玉民, 焦劲松, 等. 应用发作期单光子发射计算机断层显像减影和 MRI 图像配准在难治性癫痫中定位癫痫源. 中华神经科杂志, 2016, 49(5): 348-352.
- 29. 30 Sun W, Fu W, Wang D, et al. Ipsilateral responses of motor evoked potential correlated with the motor functional outcomes after cortical resection. Int J Psychophysiol, 2009, 73(3): 377-382.
- 30. Zsoter A, Pieper T, Kudernatsch M, et al. Predicting hand function after hemispherotomy: TMS versus fMRI in hemisphericpolymicrogyria. Epilepsia, 2012, 53(4): e98-e101.
- 31. 王德泉, 王玉平, 李勇杰, 等. 多导硬脑膜外体感诱发电位对大脑皮质躯体运动感觉功能区的定位. 中华神经科杂志, 2009, 42(1): 56-59.
- 32. H Lüders, Lesser RP, Dinner D S, et al. The second sensory area in humans: Evoked potential and electrical stimulation studies. Annals of Neurology, 1985, 17(2): 177-184.
- 33. Epstein CM, Meador KJ, Loring DW, et al. Localization and characterization of speech arrest during transcranial magnetic stimulation. Clin Neurophysiol, 1999, 110: 1073-1079.
- 34. Stewart L, Walsh V, Frith U, et al. TMS produces two dissociable types of speech disruption. Neuroimage, 2001, 13(3): 472-478.
- 35. Michelucci R, Valzania F, Passarelli D, et al. Rapid-rate transcranial magnetic stimulation and hemispheric language dominance: usefulness and safety in epilepsy. Neurology, 1994, 44(6): 1697-1700.
- 36. Jennum P, F riberg L, Fuglsang-Frederiksen A, et al. Speech localization using repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation. Neurology, 1994, 44(2): 269-273.
- 37. Lachaux JP, Rudrauf D, Kahane P. Intracranial EEG and human brain mapping. J Physiol Paris, 2003, 97(1): 613-628.
- 38. Hoshida T, Hirabayashi H, Kaido T, et al. Functional brain mapping detected by cortical stimulation using chronically implanted electrodes. International Congress Series, 2002, 1232(Suppl 1): 877-881.
- 39. Hamberger MJ. Cortical language mapping in epilepsy: a critical review. Neuropsychology Review, 2007, 17(2): 477-489.
- 40. 江建东, 谭启富, 姚一, 等. 丙泊酚 Wada 试验在脑功能区病变术前评估中的应用. 国际脑血管病杂志, 2013, 21(10): 769-774.
- 41. Ch iu, A HY, Bynevelt M, Lawn N, et al. Propofol as a substitute for amobarbital in Wada testing. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 2015, 22(11): 1830-1832.
- 42. 马云霞, 刘献增, 孙中生. Wada 试验在癫痫外科术前评估中的应用. 中华行为医学与脑科学杂志, 2010, 19(12): 1139-1141.
- 43. Luders HO, Comair YG. 王志刚译. 癫痫外科学. 济南: 山东科学技术出版社, 2003, 502-5l0.
- 44. Baxendale Sallie. The Wada test. Current Opinion in Neurology, 2009, 22(2): 185-189.
- 45. Wilson S. Task force members. In response: Indications and expectations for neuropsychological assessment in routine epilepsy care: Report of the ILAE neuropsychology task force, diagnostic methods commission, 2013-2017. Epilepsia, 2015, 56(8): 1316-1317.
- 46. Jones-Gotman M, Smith ML, Risse GL, et al. The contribution of neuropsychology to diagnostic assessment in epilepsy. Epilepsy Behav, 2010, 18(1-2): 3-12.
- 47. Hamberger MJ. Object naming in epilepsy and epilepsy surgery. Epilepsy Behav, 2015, 46: 27-33.
- 48. French JA, Williamson PD, Thadani VM, et al. Characteristics of medial temporal lobe epilepsy: I. results of history and physical examination. Annals of Neurology, 1993, 34(1): 171-179.
- 49. Kahane P, Bartolomei F. Temporal lobe epilepsy and hippocampal sclerosis: Lessons from depth EEG recordings. Epilepsia, 2010, 51(Suppl 1): 59-62.
- 50. Bartolomei F, Wendling F, Vignal JP, et al. Seizures of temporal lobe epilepsy: Identification of subtypes by coherence analysis using stereo-electro-encephalography. Clinical Neurophysiology, 1999, 110(10): 1741-1754.
- 51. Isnard J, Marc Guénot, Ostrowsky K, et al. The role of the insular cortex in temporal lobe epilepsy. Annals of Neurology, 2000, 48(4): 614-623.
- 52. Mohamed IS, Gibbs SA, Robert M, et al. The utility of magnetoencephalography in the presurgical evaluation of refractory insular epilepsy. Epilepsia, 2013, 54(11): 1950-1959.
- 53. Kurth F, Zilles K, Fox PT, et al. A link between the systems: functional differentiation and integration within the human insula revealed by meta-analysis. Brain Structure & Function, 2010, 214(5-6): 519-534.
- 54. Afif A, Minotti L, Kahane P, et al. Anatomofunctional organization of the insular cortex: A study using intracerebral electrical stimulation in epileptic patients. Epilepsia, 2010, 51(11): 2305-2315.
- 55. Pugnaghi M, Meletti S, Castana L, et al. Features of somatosensory manifestations induced by intracranial electrical stimulations of the human insula. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2011, 122(10): 2058.
- 56. Bonini F, Mcgonigal A, Trébuchon, Agnè s, et al. Frontal lobe seizures: From clinical semiology to localization. Epilepsia, 2014, 55(2): 264-277.
- 57. Englot DJ, Wang DD, Rolston JD, et al. Rates and predictors of long-term seizure freedom after frontal lobe epilepsy surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Neurosurgery, 2012, 116(5): 1042-1048.
- 58. Lacuey N, Davila JC, Zonjy B, et al. Lesion-negative anterior cingulate epilepsy. Epileptic Disorders: International Epilepsy Journal With Videotape, 2015, 17(2): 134-142.
- 59. Lee RW, Worrell GA. Dorsolateral frontal lobe epilepsy. J Clin Neurophysiol, 2012, 29(5): 379-384.
- 60. Holtkamp M, Sharan A, Sperling MR. Intracranial EEG in predicting surgical outcome in frontal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia, 2012, 53(10): 1739-1745.
- 61. 遇涛, 张国君, 李勇杰, 等. 后皮质癫痫的临床特征分析与手术治疗. 中华神经科杂志, 2008, 41(2): 168-171.
- 62. Blume WT, Whiting SE, Girvin JP. Epilepsy surgery in the posterior cortex. Ann Neurol, 1991, 29(2): 638-645.
- 63. Kolster H, Peeters R, Orban GA. The retinotopic organization of the human middle temporal area MT/V5 and Its cortical neighbors. Journal of Neuroscience, 2010, 30(29): 9801-9820.
- 64. Krauzlis RJ. Recasting the smooth pursuit eye movement system. Journal of Neurophysiology, 2004, 91(4): 591-603.
- 65. Boesebeck F, Schulz R, May T, et al. Lateralizing semiology predicts the seizure outcome after epilepsy surgery in the posterior cortex. Brain, 2002, 125(10): 2320-2331.
- 66. Cross JH, Jayakar P, Nordli D, et al. Proposed criteria for referral and evaluation of children for epilepsy surgery: Recommendations of the subcommission for pediatric epilepsy surgery. Epilepsia, 2006, 47(6): 952-959.