After an injury of the peripheral nerve, therewould be naturally occurring the reduction oreven disappearance of FRAP from the substantiagelatinase in the corresponding part of the dorsalhorn of the spinal cord, The enzymhistochemical method was used to show the changesof FRAP activity before and after the nerveinjury. Aftcr the injury of the sciatic nerve,FRAP would be decreased in the correspondingpart of the spinal cord and gave a sharp contrastto that of the control rats and the uni...
Citation: Wang Xia,Huang Binjan.. A RELIABLE EXPERIMENTAL METHOD OFDETERMING SPINAL CORRESPONINGSEGMENT TO A CERTAIN INJURIED PE-RIPHERAL NERVE. Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery, 1994, 8(1): 34-35. doi: Copy