Citation: 沈文律,罗义刚,李波,金立人,韦靖江,吴言涛,吴和光,过韫辉,梁尽忠. 先灌后切供器官胚胎甲状旁腺移植二例报告. Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery, 1989, 3(2): 51-52. doi: Copy
Citation: 沈文律,罗义刚,李波,金立人,韦靖江,吴言涛,吴和光,过韫辉,梁尽忠. 先灌后切供器官胚胎甲状旁腺移植二例报告. Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery, 1989, 3(2): 51-52. doi: Copy
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Citation: 沈文律,罗义刚,李波,金立人,韦靖江,吴言涛,吴和光,过韫辉,梁尽忠. 先灌后切供器官胚胎甲状旁腺移植二例报告. Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery, 1989, 3(2): 51-52. doi: