- Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, McMaster University, CanadaChinese Evidence-Based Medicine Center, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, China;
Citation: SUN Xin. Markov Modelling in Healthcare Economic Evaluations. Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, 2007, 07(10): 750-756. doi: Copy
1. | Sun X, Orlewska E, Li YP, et al. Methods for economic evaluation of marketed medicines II: Conducting primary economic evaluation. Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, 6: 218-223. |
2. | Karnon J . Alternative decisionmodelling techniques for the evaluation of health care technologies:Markov processes versus discrete event simulation. Health Econ, 12: 837–848. |
3. | Orlewska E. The Cost-Effectiveness of Alternative Therapeutic Strategies for the Management of Chronic Hepatitis B in Poland. Value Health, 5: 405-421. |
4. | Spiegelhalter DJ, Abrams KR, Myles JP . Bayesian Approaches to Clinical Trials and Health-Care Evaluation. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. |
5. | Breese JS. Construction of belief and decision networks. Computat Intel, 8: 624-647. |
6. | Powell C. The Delphi technique: myths and real ities. J Adv Nurs, 41: 376–382. |
7. | Van Steenkiste BC, Jacobs JE, Verheijen NM, et al .A Delphi technique as a method for selecting the content of an electronic patient record for asthma. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 65:7-16. |
8. | Salomon JA, Murray CJL. A multi-method approach to measuring health-state valuations, 13: 281-290. |
9. | Brazier J, Deverill M, Green C, et al. A review of the use of health states measures in economic evaluation. Health Technol Assess. 3(9). |
10. | Briggs A, Sculpher M, Buxton M . Uncertainty in the economic evaluation of health care technologies: the role of sensitivity analysis. Health Economics. 3:95-104. |
11. | Briggs HA. Handl ing Uncertainty in Cost-Effectiveness Models. Pharmacoeconomics, 17: 479-500. |
12. | Nuijten MJC. Incorporation of Statistical Uncertainty in Health Economic Modelling Studies Using Second-Order Monte Carlo Simulations. Pharmacoeconomics, 22:759-769. |
13. | Sonnenberg FA, Roberts MS, Tsevat J, et al. Toward a peer review process for medical decision analysis models. Medical Care, 32:JS52-64. |
14. | Canadian Coordinating Office for Health Technology Assessment. Guidelines for economic evaluation of pharmaceuticals: Canada[3rd ed]. Ottawa: Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health. |
15. | Weistein MC, O’Brien B, Hornberger J, et al. Principles of Good Practice for Decision Analytic Modeling in Health-Care Evaluation: Report of the ISPOR Task Force on Good Research Practices-Modeling Studies. Value Health. 6:9-17. |
16. | Manca A, Rice N, Sculpher MJ, et al. Assessing general isability by location in trial-based cost-effectiveness analysis: the use of multilevel models. 14: 471-485. |
17. | Pharoah PD, Holl ingworth W. Cost effectiveness of lowering cholesterol concentration with statins in patients with and without pre-existing coronary heart disease: life table method applied to health authority population. BMJ 312:1443-8. |
18. | Nuijten MJC, Hardens M. Measuring sensitivity in pharmacoeconomic studies: an integration of point-sensitivity and range sensitivity. Pharmacoeconomics, 12:555-564. |
19. | Heitjan DF, Li H. Bayesian estimation of cost-effectiveness: an importance-sampling approach. Health Econ, 13: 191-198. |
20. | Vanness DJ, Kim WR. Bayesian estimation, simulation and uncertainty analysis: the cost-effectiveness of ganciclovir prophylaxis in liver transplantation. Health Econ 11:551-566. |
21. | Stinnett AA, Mullahy J. Net health benefits: a new framework for the analysis of uncertainty in cost effectiveness analysis. Med Decis Making 18(2 Suppl): S65–S80. |
22. | Gafni A, Birch S. Guidel ines for the adoption of new technologies: a prescription for uncontrolled growth in expenditures and how to avoid the problem. Can Med Assoc J 148:913-917. |
23. | Fenwick E, Marshall DA, Levy AR, et al. Using and interpreting cost-effectiveness acceptability curves: An example using data from a trial of management strategies for atrial fibrillation. BMC Health Services Research 6:52. |
24. | Sendi PP, Briggs AH. Affordabil ity and cost-effectiveness: Decision-making on the cost-effectiveness plane. Health Econ, 10: 675-680. |
25. | Bala MV, Mauskopf JA. Optimal assignment of treatments to health states using a Markov decision model: an introduction to basic concepts Pharmacoeconomics, 24: 345-54. |
- 1. Sun X, Orlewska E, Li YP, et al. Methods for economic evaluation of marketed medicines II: Conducting primary economic evaluation. Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, 6: 218-223.
- 2. Karnon J . Alternative decisionmodelling techniques for the evaluation of health care technologies:Markov processes versus discrete event simulation. Health Econ, 12: 837–848.
- 3. Orlewska E. The Cost-Effectiveness of Alternative Therapeutic Strategies for the Management of Chronic Hepatitis B in Poland. Value Health, 5: 405-421.
- 4. Spiegelhalter DJ, Abrams KR, Myles JP . Bayesian Approaches to Clinical Trials and Health-Care Evaluation. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
- 5. Breese JS. Construction of belief and decision networks. Computat Intel, 8: 624-647.
- 6. Powell C. The Delphi technique: myths and real ities. J Adv Nurs, 41: 376–382.
- 7. Van Steenkiste BC, Jacobs JE, Verheijen NM, et al .A Delphi technique as a method for selecting the content of an electronic patient record for asthma. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 65:7-16.
- 8. Salomon JA, Murray CJL. A multi-method approach to measuring health-state valuations, 13: 281-290.
- 9. Brazier J, Deverill M, Green C, et al. A review of the use of health states measures in economic evaluation. Health Technol Assess. 3(9).
- 10. Briggs A, Sculpher M, Buxton M . Uncertainty in the economic evaluation of health care technologies: the role of sensitivity analysis. Health Economics. 3:95-104.
- 11. Briggs HA. Handl ing Uncertainty in Cost-Effectiveness Models. Pharmacoeconomics, 17: 479-500.
- 12. Nuijten MJC. Incorporation of Statistical Uncertainty in Health Economic Modelling Studies Using Second-Order Monte Carlo Simulations. Pharmacoeconomics, 22:759-769.
- 13. Sonnenberg FA, Roberts MS, Tsevat J, et al. Toward a peer review process for medical decision analysis models. Medical Care, 32:JS52-64.
- 14. Canadian Coordinating Office for Health Technology Assessment. Guidelines for economic evaluation of pharmaceuticals: Canada[3rd ed]. Ottawa: Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health.
- 15. Weistein MC, O’Brien B, Hornberger J, et al. Principles of Good Practice for Decision Analytic Modeling in Health-Care Evaluation: Report of the ISPOR Task Force on Good Research Practices-Modeling Studies. Value Health. 6:9-17.
- 16. Manca A, Rice N, Sculpher MJ, et al. Assessing general isability by location in trial-based cost-effectiveness analysis: the use of multilevel models. 14: 471-485.
- 17. Pharoah PD, Holl ingworth W. Cost effectiveness of lowering cholesterol concentration with statins in patients with and without pre-existing coronary heart disease: life table method applied to health authority population. BMJ 312:1443-8.
- 18. Nuijten MJC, Hardens M. Measuring sensitivity in pharmacoeconomic studies: an integration of point-sensitivity and range sensitivity. Pharmacoeconomics, 12:555-564.
- 19. Heitjan DF, Li H. Bayesian estimation of cost-effectiveness: an importance-sampling approach. Health Econ, 13: 191-198.
- 20. Vanness DJ, Kim WR. Bayesian estimation, simulation and uncertainty analysis: the cost-effectiveness of ganciclovir prophylaxis in liver transplantation. Health Econ 11:551-566.
- 21. Stinnett AA, Mullahy J. Net health benefits: a new framework for the analysis of uncertainty in cost effectiveness analysis. Med Decis Making 18(2 Suppl): S65–S80.
- 22. Gafni A, Birch S. Guidel ines for the adoption of new technologies: a prescription for uncontrolled growth in expenditures and how to avoid the problem. Can Med Assoc J 148:913-917.
- 23. Fenwick E, Marshall DA, Levy AR, et al. Using and interpreting cost-effectiveness acceptability curves: An example using data from a trial of management strategies for atrial fibrillation. BMC Health Services Research 6:52.
- 24. Sendi PP, Briggs AH. Affordabil ity and cost-effectiveness: Decision-making on the cost-effectiveness plane. Health Econ, 10: 675-680.
- 25. Bala MV, Mauskopf JA. Optimal assignment of treatments to health states using a Markov decision model: an introduction to basic concepts Pharmacoeconomics, 24: 345-54.