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find Keyword "临床表现" 44 results
  • Diagnosis and Treatment of Ectopic Pancreas

    目的 探讨异位胰腺的临床特点、诊断及外科处理原则。方法 对我院近8年病理确诊的16例异位胰腺患者的资料进行回顾性分析。结果 16例中男8例,女8例,年龄1~74岁,平均37.5岁。异位胰腺分布部位: 空肠5例,十二指肠4例,胃2例,胆总管2例,胆囊、纵膈和后腹膜各1例。术前仅1例确诊,5例误诊,10例漏诊。均行手术治疗,无一例出现术后并发症。结论 异位胰腺的临床表现和检查手段无特异性,易漏诊和误诊; 一旦发现,无论有无症状,均以早期手术治疗为宜,以明确诊断及避免出现严重的并发症。

    Release date:2016-08-28 04:47 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinical Analysis of Granulomatous Lung Disease: 36 Cases Report

    Objective To analyze the data from patients with pathologically proved granulomatous lung disease, including etiology, clinical, radiological features and laboratory results. Methods 36 patients with granulomatous lung disease confirmed by lung biopsy in Shanghai First People’s Hospital of Shanghai Jiao Tong University from January 2008 to June 2012 were retrospectively reviewed. The clinical presentation, radiological features and laboratory results were collected and statistically analyzed.Results After haematoxylin and eosin stain combined with special stain, the diagnoses were comfirmed, ie.13 cases of mycobacterial infection, 5 cases of aspergillar infection, 4 cases of cryptococcal infection, 6 cases of sarcoidosis, 4 cases of Wegener’s granulomatosis, 4 cases of unknown causes. Cough was the most common clinical symptom, followed by expectoration. Some patients also developed fever, chest tightness and weight loss. The lesions were widely distributed, of which the right upper lung was the common lesion of mycobacterial infection, inferior lobe of right lung was the common lesion of aspergillar infection. The common lesion of cryptococcal infection was uncertain. The common lesions of sarcoidosis and Wegener ’s granulomatosis were in left upper lung. Small nodule was the most common shapes of lesion, while mass and consolidation were present sometimes. Cavity, air bronchogram, pleural effusion, hilar and mediastinal lymph node enlargement could be found in the chest CT. Interferon gamma release assay, galactomannan antigen assay and latex agglutination test were helpful in the diagnosis of mycobacterial infection, aspergillar infection and cryptococcal infection induced granuloma. Conclusions The clinical presentations and radiological features of granulomatous lung disease are nonspecific. Histopathology obtained through biopsy is the key for the diagnosis. Immunological examination, test of new antigens to microorganism and clinical microorganism detection are valuble in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of granulomatous lung disease.

    Release date:2016-09-13 03:51 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Advance of Basic Research and Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment of Pleuropulmonary Blastoma

    Pleuropulmonary blastoma (PPB) is a kind of rare malignancy which often occurs in children and is related to dysplasia. It always involves in pleura and lung. PPB is misdiagnosed easily because of its special pathophysiological characters and complex biological behavior. Early detection and correct treatment are very important for thoracic surgeon to cure PPB. This paper reviews the advance of pathophysiological characters, molecular genetic characters, clinical manifestation, clinical diagnosis and differential diagnosis, and treatment and prognosis of PPB.

    Release date:2016-08-30 06:06 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    Objective To investigate the clinical manifestation and radiological features of unknownetiology ostearthritic disease in Shigeng village of Chongzhou city in Sichuan province so as to lay a basis for further study. Methods The data were analyzed retrospectively. The epidemiology investigation, physical examination, movement functional assessment, lab test and X-ray examination were performed on 116 villagers of 3 years and more than. Quantitative analysis on roentgenography was conducted. Results Sixty-four villagers had unknown ostearthritic disease,the prevalence was 55.2%;17 patients were limp, the prevalence of limp was 26.6%,onset age mainly focused under 40 years. Main manifestation of osteoarthritic disease was fixed pain of knee joint or hip joint, and bilateral pain was significantly more than single pain, but local fever and swelling were not obvious. Mild or moderate pain account for 73.5% of patients, and pain was aggravated after physical labor or movement and could be relieved after rest. Joint pain had no influence on joint movement function for long time, leading to a limp due to the joint functional disorders at late stage. Physical examination illustrated the flexion contracture of the hip and limitation of internal and external rotation. The Harris scores were 86.5±17.1(left hip) and 86.3±17.2. 46 (right hip), and the excellent or good result was achieved in 46 patients, fair and poor results in 18 patients. The average HSS scores were 88.4±9.3(left knee) and 88.2±11.0(right knee). The excellent or good result was achieved in 61 patients, fair and poor results in 3 patients. The X-ray films showed degenerative disorders of hip joint such as narrowing of the joint space (47.6%),articular surface sclerosis and deformation (30.2%), shallow and increased density acetabulum, increased obliquity and insuffi cient coverage of the femoral head by the acetabulum, and increased femoral neck-shaft angles. Radiological features of knee joint were bony spur or bony bridge,osteoporosis,incomplete and thickening articular surface with sclerosis and deformation,degenerative disorders. Conclusion Main clinical manifestation of unknown osteoarthritic disease in Chongzhou city was fixed pain of bilateral knee joint or combined with hip joint pain at early stage,and functional limitation in hip joint at late stage. Main radiological feature was hip joint degeneration. To effectively control the osteoarthritic disease ofthis area, much more etiology researches should be done.

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:22 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • The Clinical Analyse for 21 Cases in Pontine Hemorrhage

    Objective To investigate the clinical manifestations, CT and prognosis of pontine hemorrhage. Methods Analyze the summarized clinical data of 21 patients with pontine hemorrhage retrospectively. Results The period of 46-70 years old was vulnerable to pontine hemorrhage,and hypertension was the major risky factor of it. The death rate of pontine hemorrhage inceases when the bleeding beyond 5 ml. Nine of the 21 patients survived. Conclution The prognosis was highly related to the bleeding amount, the position of bleeding and the complication.

    Release date:2016-09-07 11:12 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinical Pathological Analysis of Death from Aortic Dissection

    目的 分析主动脉夹层的临床及病理特点。 方法 回顾性分析1998年1月-2011年10月26例主动脉夹层致死的临床及法医尸检病理资料,对其发病、死亡经过、诊断、死因进行总结。 结果 26例主动脉夹层平均发病年龄为39.2岁,男女比例为3.3︰1;26例中6例无临床诊断,17例误诊,3例疑似诊断。26例主动脉夹层中,夹层破裂致心包填塞死亡20例,夹层破裂致失血性休克死亡5例,主动脉夹层未破裂1例系心衰致死;26例按DeBakey分类标准9例为Ⅰ型,14例为Ⅱ型,3例为Ⅲ型。 结论 临床应警惕主动脉夹层的特殊临床表现并采取必要的辅助检查,有助于主动脉夹层的诊治和减少医疗纠纷的发生。

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:13 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinical Aanalysis of 48 Patients with Primary Biliary Cirrhosis

    目的:分析原发性胆汁性肝硬化(PBC)患者的临床表现,试验室检查及治疗情况。方法:回顾性分析48例PBC患者临床资料。结果:93.8%是中年女性患者,平均年龄53.2±8.73。主要的临床表现包括肝功能异常(ALT、GGT、AKP升高)95.8%,乏力纳差83.3%,黄疸79.2%,瘙痒66.6%,肝肿大62.5%,脾大58.3%等。常合并干燥综合征(25%),类风湿关节炎(16.7%)等自身免疫性疾病及结缔组织疾病。所以患者AMA及AMAM-2均为阳性。全部病例使用熊去氧胆酸治疗,但仅31.3%患者病情有不同程度好转。结论:加强对PBC的认识,重视对AMA 或AMA-M2的检测,尤其对长期不明原因肝功能异常的女性患者。

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:54 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • A Clinical Study of Spontaneous Pneumothorax in Elderly Patients

    目的:探讨老年人自发性气胸的临床特点、治疗及预后。方法:对本院在2005年11月至2008年4月间收治的79例老年人自发性气胸患者临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果:老年人自发性气胸大多有肺部基础疾病,临床表现缺乏特异性,本组误诊为慢性阻塞性肺病急性发作4例、左心衰2例、支气管哮喘1例。气胸类型: 张力性气胸47例(72.1%),闭合性气胸11例,交通性气胸21例。采用以肋间闭式引流的为主的治疗措施,效果好。结论:老年人自发性气胸大多有肺部基础疾病, 易误诊,气胸的类型以张力性气胸多见,治疗多需排气减压术,及早的排气减压可望缓解症状,缩短肺复张时间,减少患者住院天数, 降低死亡率,提高老年人生活质量。

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:00 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinical Diagnosis of 25 Cases of Pelvic Abscesses with Surgical Treatment

    摘要:目的:探讨盆腔脓肿的临床表现,超声诊断结果及手术探查情况以提高诊疗水平。方法:对2000年1月~2006年12月我科收治的25 例手术治疗的盆腔脓肿病例进行回顾性分析。结果:其临床表现主要为腹痛、发热、腹部或盆腔包块等。超声声像显示:盆腔内不规则囊性或多房性输卵管卵巢肿块,囊内不均质光点,伴有或不伴有盆腔积液。手术探查表现为:盆腔粘连,一侧或双侧输卵管脓肿或输卵管卵巢脓肿。结论:盆腔脓肿的临床表现不典型,术前易出现误诊和漏诊;随着病情的变化,结合临床表现、 阳性体征的发现及超声诊断可以提高其检测率。Abstract: Objective: To explore the clinical symptoms, ultrasonography diagnosis results and surgical treatment results of pelvic abscess, thus to raise the diagnosing standard and treatment level from Jan.2000 to Dec. 2006. Methods: Carries on the review analysis to 25 example feminine pelvic abscess patient’s clinical diagnosis material. Results: The principal clinical symptoms of pelvic abscess are abdominal pain and fever,tissue mass is palpated in the abdomen or pelvic cavity and is detected. Sonographic appearance of the pelvis demonstrated irregular, uniloculated or multiseptated cystic tuboovarian mass with nonhomogenic internal echoes, with or without pelvic fluid collection. Surgical results showed some adhesions in pelvis, uniorbilateral pyosalpinx or tuboovarian complex abscess. Conclusion: The pelvic abscess displays not typically,,there is a comparatively high rate of misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis before the surgical treatment.The rate of missed diagnosis is by mistake high.Unifies the clinical symptoms,the masculine symptom, the auxiliary inspection and the guidance of ultrasound,may raise the diagnosis rate of accuracy.

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:12 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinical Characteristics, Diagnosis and Treatment of 217 Patients with Gastric Stromal Tumor

    Objective To investigate the clinical characteristics, diagnosis, and treatment of gastric stromal tumor. Methods Clinical data of 217 patients with gastric stromal tumor from October 2007 to July 2011 were analyzed. Results The main clinical manifestation were abdominal pain, abdominal distension, bloody stools, abdominal mass, and so on. The tumour located at cardiac part, fundus of stomach, body of stomach, and pylorus part was 24 cases (11.0%), 103 cases (47.5%), 59 cases (27.2%), and 31 cases (14.3%), respectively. All the 217 patients underwent endoscopic or surgical resection and diagnosed by pathology and immunohistochemistry. The patients of high-low risk, low risk, intermediate risk, and high risk was 56 cases (25.8%), 67 cases (30.9%), 41 cases (18.9%), and 53 cases (24.4%), respectively. One hundred and forty patients were followed-up for 7-52 months (average 35 months). Thirty-five patients of high risk were investigated about the drug treatment after the first operation:19 cases were treated by using imatinib (tumor progressed in 2 cases) and 16 patients were not (tumor progressed in 9 patients). The rate of progression of patients treated by imatinib was significantly lower than another group (χ2=8.426, P=0.004). In 11 patients with tumor progressed, tumor recurrnce in 4 cases, tumor recurrence with diffused abdominal cavity metastasis in 1 case, tumor metastasized to humerus in 1 case, metastasized to liver and abdominal cavity in 1 case, and metastasized to liver in 4 cases. Conclusions Gastric stormal tumor is lack of specific clinical manifestations. Complete excision of the tumor is the main therapy method, and imatinib can improve prognosis.

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:38 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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