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find Keyword "体验" 23 results
  • 加强分诊队伍建设,持续提升门诊患者就医体验

    【摘要】 总结加强分诊队伍建设,提高门诊医疗护理质量,持续提升门诊患者的就医体验的方法与经验。通过建立管理机制、加强分诊队伍人才培养、优化分诊队伍结构、完善考核体制、评价体系,提高分诊护士综合素质等措施,提高了门诊医疗护理质量及患者满意度及分诊护士的自身价值感和自信心。实践表明,加强分诊队伍建设,提高分诊护士整体素质结构是持续提升门诊患者就医体验至关重要的环节。

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:27 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 思乐扣预防腹腔引流管非计划性拔管的效果观察

    目的探讨思乐扣预防腹腔引流管非计划性拔管的效果,并观察腹腔引流及导管固定装置对患者生活的影响。 方法于2012年1月-2013年3月,纳入60例安置腹腔引流管的患者,随机分为透明敷贴固定组和思乐扣固定组,各30例。观察两组患者腹腔引流管非计划性拔管情况,并通过填写自行设计的问卷,由患者自行评价腹腔引流及引流管固定装置对生活的影响。 结果透明敷贴固定组发生8例次非计划性拔管,思乐扣固定组无患者发生非计划性拔管,思乐扣组非计划性拔管发生率低于透明敷贴组,两组比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=7.067,P=0.008)。两组患者大多认为腹腔引流及引流管固定装置对自己生活有一定影响,主要表现为轻、中度影响,差异无统计学意义(Z=-0.766,P=0.444)。 结论思乐扣用于固定腹腔引流管,可减少非计划性拔管,且一定程度改善患者引流期间的主观体验。

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  • 静脉采血患者的情绪体验和心理测评及护理对策

    目的了解采血患者的情绪体验和心理反应,为开展针对性心理护理提供参考。 方法随机抽取2012年3月1日-6月30日期间的438例门诊采血患者进行情绪体验问卷调查测评和症状自评量表(SCL-90)测试。 结果采血患者情绪体验得分从高到低分别为烦躁感(4.23±2.21)分,恐惧感(4.12±1.34)分,陌生感(3.78±1.23)分,疑虑感(3.56±1.42)分,焦虑感(3.07±1.18)分,无助感(1.76±0.93)分。女性患者在陌生感、恐惧感、焦虑感、无助感和疑虑感得分低于男性,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。不同年龄段、不同职业、不同学历患者各类型情绪体验得分差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。SCL-90分值显示,其躯体化因子、强迫症状因子、抑郁因子、焦虑因子、敌对因子、恐惧因子明显高于国内常模,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。 结论对静脉采血患者采取有针对性的心理护理,增强护患沟通和温馨服务,提高护理服务质量和管理水平,促进静脉采血患者的心理健康和就医体验,有利于病情康复。

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  • 持续质量改进在眼科日间手术患者住院体验与满意度中的应用及效果

    目的探讨提高眼科日间手术患者住院体验与满意度的方法与途经。 方法对2013年11月-2014年2月眼科日间住院患者进行住院体验与满意度调查,并针对调查所得相关问题,运用持续质量改进法,对收治流程、病区环境、健康宣教落实进行整改,并就改进措施及改进后患者的住院体验及满意度进行描述与总结。 结果2013年11月质量评价未达到满意度的条目较多,患者住院体验及满意度百分比仅为74.1%;持续质量改进后,2014年1月-2月每半个月的患者住院体验与满意度分别为90.1%、91.3%、99.1%和100.0%,质量改进成效明显。 结论通过持续质量改进,眼科日间手术病房收治流程更加有序,病区环境更整洁,健康宣教内容细化并落实,患者住院体验及满意度有了明显的改善。

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  • 眼科两种不同住院模式患者体验与满意度调查分析

    目的 比较日间住院模式与普通住院模式的患者满意度情况以指导临床护理工作。 方法 2013年12月选择日间住院模式与普通住院模式行白内障手术患者各82例,采用在澳大利亚患者满意度检测工具基础上修订的眼科住院患者满意度调查表调查两种住院模式患者的满意度,对总满意度及各个条目进行比较。 结果 两种住院模式的患者总满意度差异无统计学意义(P=0.421);在院前等待时间、询问有关患者治疗和病情机会、工作人员倾听患者诉说治疗愿望、院内安静程度评价及除去医疗费用外的其他花费上两种不同模式的比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论 日间手术能缩短入院前的等待时间,使更多的患者得到治疗,而普通住院患者与医护人员交流机会更多。两种住院模式各有其优缺点,应根据患者疾病病种和严重程度选择住院方式,普通住院手术模式适合行择期手术、病情较重的患者;而日间手术模式更适合行择期手术、病情较轻的患者。

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  • The Lived Experience of Parents Caring for Preterm Infants after Discharge from Hospital:A Systematic Review and Meta Synthesis of Qualitative Studies

    ObjectiveTo systematically review the experience of parents caring for preterm infants after discharge from hospital. MethodsWe searched databases including The Cochrane Library, Joanna Briggs Institute Library, PubMed, EMbase, Scopus, ISI Web of Science, PsycINFO, CINAHL, CBM, CNKI and VIP from inception to May 2015, to collect qualitative studies in the experience of parents caring for preterm infants after discharge from hospital. The quality of included studies was evaluated according to JBI Critical Appraisal Tool for qualitative studies in Australia. The results were integrated by integrating methods. ResultsA total of nine studies were included. Thirty-one complete findings were grouped according to their similarities to form seven categories. These categories resulted in two synthesized findings:integration results 1:parents grow in the adaptation of their care giving roles for the preterm infants; integration results 2:they are eager and thankful for support, resource and information in this critical transition period. ConclusionHealth care workers should pay attention to the important influence of premature infants discharged from hospital on their parents. In the adaption period of premature parents, health care workers should give necessary care knowledge skills to guide the parents, to assist them to compete the role of caregivers as soon as possible and promote the healthy growth of premature infants after discharge.

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  • 体验式教学结合案例教学法在老年专科护士培训中的应用研究

    目的研究应用体验式教学结合案例教学法进行老年专科护士培训的效果。 方法对2013年9月-2015年4月参加四川省老年专科护士培训的110名学员应用体验式教学结合案例教学法进行培训,分别于培训前后采用老年知识问卷(FAQ1)和老年人态度量表(KAOP)来调查学员老化知识水平和对老年人的态度。同时在培训结束后采用四川大学临床医学院课堂教学质量学生评价表评价教学效果,并与2012年首届专科护士培训学员评教水平进行比较。 结果培训后学员的老化知识得分和对老年人的态度得分均较培训前提高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),且教学效果高于2012年首届专科护士培训学员评教水平。 结论应用体验式教学结合案例教学法进行老年专科护士培训,可有效提高学员老化知识水平,改善学员对老年人的态度,提高学习积极性,提高教学质量。

    Release date:2016-11-23 05:46 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Satisfaction of Elderly Patients with Out-patient Services: A Study Based on the 2015 Evaluation of the National Healthcare Improvement Initiative

    ObjectiveTo understand the experiences of out-patient services of the elderly patients, and to analyze the impact factors of the satisfaction of elderly patients, so as to produce evidence for healthcare quality improvement. MethodsBased on the data collected from the out-patient survey of the 2015 Evaluation of the National Healthcare Improvement Initiative, we compared the disparities of patient satisfaction among different age-groups, between different geographic regions and different types of hospitals. We conducted multivariate binary logistic regression analysis to identify factors, associated with the satisfaction of the elderly outpatients. We also compared satisfaction of the Chinese elderly patients with healthcare services with other countries. ResultsSatisfaction scores of the Chinese elderly out-patients were statistically significant higher than that of the young and middle aged out-patients in the domains of hospital environment (satisfaction score=4.42), process efficiency (satisfaction score=4.20), and overall satisfaction (satisfaction score=4.47) (P < 0.001). On the contrary, the elderly out-patients were less satisfied in the domain of hospital informationization experience (satisfaction score=4.25) than the young and middle aged out-patients. This was also the case for the three indicators under this domain, including convenient appointment (satisfaction score=4.27), diversified payment methods (satisfaction score=4.24) and self-service devices (satisfaction score=4.26) (P < 0.001). Western region and traditional Chinese hospitals had significantly lower elderly outpatient satisfaction comparing with eastern and central regions, and general & specialist hospitals (P < 0.05). Trustful doctor-patient relationship (OR=3.45), respected and comfortable care (OR=1.45), clear and reliable mechanism and channel for praise and complain (OR=1.39), length of communication time with doctors (OR=1.35) and length of waiting time until consultation is acceptable (OR=1.29) were the major factors associated with the overall satisfaction of the elderly out-patients. The overall satisfaction of the Chinese elderly out-patients is a bit lower than that in our neighboring country Japan. The satisfaction towards length of communication with doctors of the Chinese elderly patients is lower than that in most of the industrialized countries. ConclusionSpecial demands of the elderly patients should be carefully considered by hospitals in the process of developing new appointment methods and hospital informationization with the aim of healthcare improvement. Longer communication time with doctors, shorter waiting time until consultation, improving human care and building efficiency mechanism and channel for praise and complain are the priorities for future healthcare improvement.

    Release date:2016-11-22 01:14 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Investigation and analysis of humanistic care on improving the experience of inpatients

    Objective To understand the effect and influencing factors of humanistic care on improving the experience of inpatients. Methods Patients were collected from a third grade class A women’s and children’s hospital in June 2015 and June 2016, and their satisfaction was investigated by a third party. The service items of Inpatients Satisfaction Item Score Table in 2015 were analyzed. Appropriate intervention measures were taken to low-score items, such as humanistic knowledge training to all medical staff, improvement health guidelines, implementation of recycling process, carrying out high quality nursing interventions, and so on. The patients satisfaction survey results in 2016 were compared with those of 2015. Results In 2016, the total satisfaction rate (89.94%), and the average score of items ranked the top three (94.64±0.14), including the level of medical technology, medical ethics and the overall evaluation of doctor’s professional ehtics, medical communication and service attitude, were higher than those of 2015 (85.25, 90.86±1.53). The average score of items ranked the last three (89.25±9.21), including hospital ward, hospital environment (clean, quiet and safe), hospital meals and room service, and hospital food quality, was higher than that of 2015 (78.64±2.40). However, compared with the same period in the last year, the rank of hospital environment fell by two places. Conclusions Hardware conditions like physical environment have an important impact on the experience of hospital patients. However,  humanistic care is the key factor to improve the patients’ inpatient experience and satisfaction.

    Release date:2017-08-22 11:25 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 清醒志愿者被经口鼻腔吸痰的心理体验

    目的 深入了解清醒志愿者被吸痰期间的心理体验,为临床护理人员采取针对性的护理措施提供依据。 方法 2016 年 3 月 12 日,采用自我体验加质性研究方法,研究者及7名学生作为志愿者亲自体验被吸痰的过程,吸痰后对 8 名志愿者进行深入访谈,采用 Colaizzi 分析法进行资料分析。 结果 经口鼻腔吸痰的心理体验包括:被吸痰前的期望体验和对被吸痰的恐惧,被吸痰时极度不舒适,被吸痰后体会到该如何体贴爱护患者。 结论 针对清醒患者的吸痰,护士应该更多地给予安慰和鼓励,重视患者和家属的心理支持,采用多种措施减少负性体验;采用体验式教学可增加护生的爱伤意识。

    Release date:2017-10-27 11:09 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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