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find Keyword "依从性" 80 results
  • Effect of Evidence-based Nursing on Compliance with Schizophrenic Inpatients

    Objective To investigate the effect of nursing practice on the treatment compliance in schizophrenic inpatients.Methods A total of 196 inpatients with schizophrenia met the inclusion and exclusion criteria were randomly divided into two groups: the rountine nursing group (n=96) and the trial group (n=100). The trial group followed the paths of evidence-based nursing by confirming the affected facts of compliance, collecting the evidence, evaluating the evidence and incorporating this into nursing practice. The change of compliance was evaluated and two groups were scored by NOSIE-30 and BPRS at the beginning and 3 months later, respectively.Results The trial group had a significant improvement (Plt;0.05) on using the chosen treatment and had a lower relapse rate. Conclusions Implementing evidence-based nursing practice has a positive effect on the compliance with treatment of inpatients with schizophrenia.

    Release date:2016-08-25 03:35 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Implementation of A Real-time Compliance Dashboard to Help Reduce Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia with Ventilator Bundle

    Objective To investigate the effect of a real-time compliance dashboard to help reduce ventilator-associated pneumonia ( VAP) with ventilator bundle. Methods 240 patients who were admitted into the intensive care unit ( ICU) of Shougang Hospital of Peking University and had received mechanical ventilation ( MV) for over 48 hours, between January 2010 and November 2011, were studied prospectively. The patients were divided into two groups by random number table, ie. a dashboard group ( n = 120) with implementation of a real-time compliance dashboard to help reduce VAP with ventilator bundle, and a control group ( n=120) with implementation of usually routine order to help reduce VAP with ventilator bundle. The success rate of ventilator bundle implementation, incidence of VAP, duration of MV, duration within ICU, mortality within 28 days, cost within ICU were compared between two groups. Results Compared with the control group, the success rate of ventilator bundle implementation obviously increased ( 81.6% vs. 52.5%) , incidence of VAP ( 14. 5/1000 days of MV vs. 36.2 /1000 days of MV) , duration of MV [ 5( 4,7) days vs. 8( 6,11) days] , duration within ICU [ 8( 6,12) days vs. 13( 8,16) days] , mortality of 28 days ( 12.6% vs. 28.6% ) , and cost within ICU ( 36,437 vs. 58,942) in the dashboard group obviously reduced ( Plt;0.05) . Conclusions Implementation of a real time compliance dashboard to help reduce VAP with ventilator bundle can obviously improve medical personnel compliance and reduce incidence of VAP, duration of MV, duration within ICU, mortality and cost in ICU than those of routine medical order to help reduce VAP with ventilator bundle.

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  • Comparison of Primiparaes Compliance with Labor Analgesia Based on Educational Background

    Objective To study the special traits of primiparae’s compliance with labor analgesia, so as to offer individualized analgesia solutions during spontaneous labor. Methods The uniparous primiparae with cephalic presentation between gestational weeks 38 and 40 were divided into two groups based on their educational background (college education or above, and high school education or below), each group with 20 cases. The demographical statistics of the two groups including their State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) grading, PCA results, and delivery situation were recorded and analyzed. Results Differences in age, height, and weight were not statisticallysignificant (Pgt;0.05); differences in T-AI were not statistically significant (Pgt;0.05); differences in S-AI were statistically significant (Plt;0.05); differences in anxiety and numbers of adding anesthetics were not statistically significant (Pgt;0.05); differences in failure to tolerate labor pains and requiring caesarean section were statistically significant (Plt;0.05). Conclusion Primiparae with higher educational degree tend to have higher S-AI grading and perform poorly in compliance with labor analgesia.

    Release date:2016-09-07 11:06 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Factors Influencing Patients’ Compliance with Hypertension Management in the Community: Qualitative Research Synthesis

    Objective To collect and analyze the qualitative studies on patients’ compliance with hypertension management in the community, and to summarize the factors influencing the compliance from the view of patients. Methods Eleven electronic databases and search strategies and words were determined through discussion by experts and the review group. After the selection and critical appraisal of the retrieved studies were performed by two reviewers independently, meta-summary was employed for the results of qualitative studies. Results Five studies were included. The results showed some factors had great impact on the compliance of patients, including patients’ knowledge of hypertension and its treatment, doctor-patient relationship, patients’ financial status, social support, designing of treatment plans, and patients’ individual conditions. Conclusion To improve doctors’ technical competence, building good doctor-patient relationship, strengthening patients’ individualized health education, formulating the proper treatment plan, and making good use of the social support system would promote the compliance with hypertension management in the community.

    Release date:2016-09-07 11:23 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Analysis of Factors Influencing Compliance of Antiviral Therapy in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B in Sichuan Province

    目的 通过分析影响四川地区慢性乙型肝炎患者抗病毒治疗依从性的因素,探讨提高患者治疗依从性的策略。 方法 选择2011年4月-2012年4月在四川大学华西医院接受核苷(酸)类似物抗病毒治疗的324例慢性乙型肝炎患者作为研究对象。采用问卷调查的方法,对患者一般情况、心理状态、文化程度、经济情况、疾病认知情况、抗病毒疗效、服药持续性等相关因素进行分析,评估这些因素对患者治疗依从性的影响。 结果 324例患者中能够完全遵照医嘱者78例(24.07%),不能完全依从者246例(75.93%)。心理状态良好者132例(40.74%),其中依从性良好者54例;心理负担较重者192例(59.26%),其中依从性良好者24例。初中及以上学历204例(62.96%),依从性良好者72例;初中以下学历者120例(37.04%),依从性良好者仅6例。不同心理状态、文化程度的患者依从率差异有统计学意义。患者经济状况、年龄差异对于依从性也有一定影响。 结论 慢性乙型肝炎患者对抗病毒治疗的依从性与心理状态、文化程度者及经济状况密切相关。改善患者医疗费用偿付能力,对患者进行疾病认知教育以及减少社会歧视等措施有助于提高患者治疗依从性。

    Release date:2016-09-07 02:34 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 藏族患者用药依从性影响因素现状研究及其展望


    Release date:2016-09-07 02:34 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Research on Outpatient Treatment Information Awareness and Compliance Factors

    目的 分析华西医院门诊患者对挂号单上就诊信息的知晓和依从情况及其影响因素,以进一步优化就诊流程,提高患者满意度。 方法 将2012年2月5日-2月10日就诊的患者作为调查对象,采用方便抽样法和问卷面对面访谈法对739例就诊者进行调查,并运用R×C列联表χ2检验分析其影响因素。 结果 90.7%的患者能够积极阅读挂号单上的信息,并依照信息顺利就诊。但也有部分患者因文化程度及医院服务疏漏导致无法顺利就诊。 结论 应该加大对文化程度偏低者和老年患者的宣传指导,改进医院服务方式,完善就诊信息系统功能,进一步提高医院服务水平。

    Release date:2016-09-07 02:34 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 肾移植患者痛风相关知识了解及依从性调查分析

    目的 分析肾移植患者对痛风相关知识了解的情况,找出健康教育存在的问题,以提高肾移植患者对疾病的认知度和依从性,降低高尿酸血症发生率。 方法 采用问卷调查方式,对2011年6月-12月肾移植术后因并发症再次入院的128例患者进行痛风知识及相关依从性问卷调查,并对调查结果进行讨论分析。 结果 125份有效问卷结果显示,肾移植患者对痛风相关知识了解程度不高,有54例(43.2%)的患者仅了解部分知识,有43例(34.4%)的患者根本不了解痛风。就痛风知识评分而言,能坚持不饮酒条目得分较高,表明绝大多数患者对该问题认知清楚,但有51例(40.8%)患者仍经常吃海鱼、动物内脏。在依从性调查中,肾移植患者用药依从性明显高于其他依从性,表明患者对治疗问题较为重视且能遵从医护要求,而自我监测方面则相对薄弱。 结论 护理工作中应加强对肾移植术后患者的健康教育,提高患者痛风相关知识的水平,降低高尿酸血症的发生率。

    Release date:2016-09-07 02:34 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Effect of Hand Hygiene Health Education on Hand Hygiene Compliance in Family Members of Intensive Care Unit Patients

    目的 评价手卫生健康教育对重症监护病房(ICU)患者家属手卫生依从性的影响。 方法 选取2012年3月-5月ICU患者家属558人,对其进行手卫生健康教育。将健康教育前的1个月定义为第1阶段(基线调查阶段),健康教育当月定义为第2阶段,健康教育结束后的第1个月定义为第3阶段。对ICU患者家属开展手卫生健康教育,第1和第3阶段均采用张贴展板和宣教图片,床旁准备速干手消毒液;第2阶段在此基础上,每周示范六步洗手法3次,由责任护士督促并指导家属使用速干手消毒液进行手卫生。观察3个阶段患者家属手卫生依从性变化情况。 结果 在对“接触患者前”、“接触患者后”和“接触患者周围环境后”3个手卫生时机的依从率比较中,第2阶段明显高于第1阶段(P<0.01);第3阶段较第2阶段有明显下降(P<0.01);在3个阶段中,使用速干手消毒液进行手卫生的人数均高于使用洗手液的人数。 结论 手卫生健康教育普及了手卫生相关知识,提高了ICU患者家属对手卫生的依从性。

    Release date:2016-09-07 02:38 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 肿瘤住院患者跌倒预防措施的依从性调查及分析

    目的 调查肿瘤住院患者对各预防跌倒措施的依从性。 方法 采用自行设计的《肿瘤患者跌倒预防措施的依从性调查表》,对2012年5月在肿瘤胸部病房进行治疗的139例患者进行问卷调查。 结果 本组患者对预防跌倒措施的依从性较低,夜间如厕有家属陪同的仅46例(33.09%)、床上或床边解便的50例(35.97%)、服用特殊药物遵循注意事项的57例(41.01%)、起床活动按三部曲要求执行的44例(31.65%)、卧床休息使用床档保护的62例(44.60%)。 结论 医护人员应重视肿瘤患者跌倒问题,做好防范跌倒的知识及行为健康教育,并采取有效的干预措施,降低跌倒发生率,为患者提供更优质、更安全的护理服务。

    Release date:2016-09-07 02:37 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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