In order to avoid lesion of adjacent organs which were often occurred after routine cryotherapy of pancreanoduodinal area, a new cryosurgical method of isolated pancreano-duodinal area was designed for treatment of neoplasm in this area, the feasibility of this method was tried in four pigs.After bile common duct, tail of pancreas, stomach, and jejunum were divided and protected by dry cotton pad, the isolated pancreano-duodinal area was twice fozen to -170℃, maintaining ten minutes with LCS 2000 cryogenic surgical system, then alimentary tract was reconstructed with cholecystojejunostomy and gastroenterostomy. Animals were observed for 1-4 weeks. There was only transient elevation of amylase postoperation and the liver function and blood sugar remained normal. No any complication was seen except a small pseudocyst in lesser omentum. Thorough destruction of pancreatic tissue by enough deep and time course of cryotherapy was emphasized and some technic problem also were discussed. Based on our experiment, cryosurgery of isolated pancreano-duodenum will be considered as a safe and effect therapy of pancreano-duodinal neoplasm.
目的 探讨晚期肝癌冷冻治疗的可行性和临床经验。方法 对4例晚期肝癌患者施行了术中冷冻,4例中2例已有肝外转移,1例肿瘤占据第一,第二肝门且腹水,黄疸较重,1例2次手术后多数肝段切除后复发。结果 冷冻术后病情相对平稳,患者存活7~15个月。结论 冷冻治疗有不切肝,创伤小,术后免疫效果好等优点,对晚期肝癌患者有选择地施行冷冻治疗可延长生存时间及改善生活质量。