目的 探究妇科投诉纠纷发生的状况及原因,以改进工作方式减少投诉现象。 方法 对2005年1月-2010年12月妇科门诊和病房发生的投诉及医患纠纷资料进行收集,并对其原因进行分类统计分析,提出相关应对措施。 结果 6年间门诊及病房共发生投诉41例,纠纷8例。其医务人员技术水平不到位、服务态度差、沟通缺乏,就医环境差、收费不合理、患者自身因素等是投诉纠纷发生的主要原因。 结论 妇科是纠纷易发科室,但只要采用有效的控制措施,就能减少甚至避免医患纠纷的发生,提高患者满意度。
目的 以问卷调查形式了解患者对就医现状及医患关系的认知度,以期为医疗机构管理者完善医疗服务行为,构建和谐医患关系提供参考依据。 方法 2009年8月-11月,采用自制问卷对6所不同医院因伤/病住院治疗终结患者进行调查,并对调查结果进行统计分析。 结果 大多数被调查者认为目前“看病贵”,且收入水平对医疗服务的选择有影响;医患信任程度与医患沟通呈正相关;被调查者对医患纠纷的认知主要来自于媒体的报导,且认为媒体报导是公正的。 结论 医疗机构管理者应强化医护人员“以人为本”的理念,加强医患沟通,以防范服务性医患纠纷;政府应深化医药卫生体制改革,以解决“看病贵”问题;媒体应加大力度宣传普及医疗相关法律法规及知识,以引导人民群众尽可能正确客观看待医疗结果,摒除不切实际的医疗高期待。
ObjectiveTo learn about the awareness of medical liability-related provisions of Tort Liability Act of undergraduates in medical schools, thus to provide reference for the modification of teaching plans of undergraduate medical education. MethodsBetween September and December 2012, we conducted a sampling survey on undergraduates of West China Medical School using a self-designed questionnaire about medical liability-related provisions of Tort Liability Act. ResultsGenerally, students'awareness of the provisions was low, and most of the students did not have a good understanding of the provisions related to medical disputes. The respondents'knowledge of medical liability-related provisions of Tort Liability Act did not match with their grade in school and their level of medical knowledge. Most of their knowledge about medical law was learned from mass media. Undergraduate medical students had an expectation to learn more about medical law from class. ConclusionMedical law classes should be put into the teaching plans of medical education.