软结肠镜的临床应用在肠道疾病的诊断及治疗上是一大进步,不但能诊断大肠及末端回肠疾病,更重要的是可以用来治疗一些经保守治疗无效的下消化道内科疾病以及一些外科疾病,如肠息肉、肠扭转等需外科手术才能治愈的疾病可用软结肠镜治疗。我们对1987年7月至2001年8月采用软结肠镜诊治的低位肠梗阻、乙状结肠扭转、假性结肠梗阻、下消化道出血、良性肠狭窄及肠道息肉等9 051例需外科处理的疾病加以探讨,以提高软结肠镜在治疗外科疾病中的安全性及疗效。
Chest wall surgery used to be a subspecialty of traditional thoracic surgery, which has an ancient history of research and clinical practice. It has gradually become an independent professional field in recent years. With the change of concept and the progress of interdisciplines, we have deepened our understanding of related diseases, and the treatment of chest wall surgical diseases has also acquired new characteristics. This article reviews the progress in the treatment of chest wall surgical diseases including chest wall trauma, chest wall deformity, chest wall tumor, chest wall infection and chest wall defect from the perspective of chest wall surgery.