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find Keyword "抗癫痫发作药物" 11 results
  • 暴露于新型抗癫痫发作药物后儿童神经发育结果的系统综述

    由于孕期暴露于某些传统的抗癫痫发作药物(Anti-seizure medications,ASMs)与儿童较差的神经发育有关,因此在整个妊娠期间使用新型ASMs的情况有所增加。本研究旨在阐明子宫内暴露于这些新型ASMs对儿童神经发育的影响。对MEDLINE、Embase、Web of Science、Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature Plus和PsycINFO进行了系统检索,结果仅限于2000年后发表的英文文章。调查宫内暴露于新型ASMs后神经发育结果的研究,纳入评价的药物包括:艾司利卡西平、加巴喷丁、拉考沙胺、拉莫三嗪、左乙拉西坦、奥卡西平、吡仑帕奈、托吡酯和唑尼沙胺,最终确定了35份发表的相关研究,并进行了描述性整合。方法学质量不统一,其不同的优势/劣势归因于研究设计。大多数研究观察了暴露于拉莫三嗪后其对儿童神经发育的并没有显著影响。左乙拉西坦的高质量研究相对较少,迄今为止未得到结论。托吡酯、加巴喷丁和奥卡西平的数据非常有限,无法得出确切的结论。令人担忧的是,尚无关于艾司利卡西平、拉考沙胺、吡仑帕奈或唑尼沙胺的研究。到目前为止,暴露于某些新型ASMs(如拉莫三嗪和左乙拉西坦)似乎并未影响神经发育的特定方面,但需要在不同的神经发育方面和剂量水平上进行进一步的研究。由于缺乏数据,无法确定新型ASMs的安全性,这些尚待进一步研究。

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  • 维生素在癫痫发作中治疗作用的研究进展

    癫痫是一种以癫痫发作为核心症状的常见神经系统疾病。虽然抗癫痫发作药物(Antiseizure medications,ASMs)是目前治疗癫痫的主要方式,且大多数癫痫患者的预后良好,但仍有30%的患者因其耐药性并未缓解,因此需要其他辅助治疗方案。维生素(Vitamin,Vit)在某些情况下可以辅助药物治疗,但目前指南仅明确推荐了生酮饮食,并未推荐其他的饮食治疗方案。本文探讨了维生素在癫痫发作中的治疗作用,旨在为我国临床医生、患者及家属提供参考,以便科学管理癫痫患者,并为相关研究提供临床依据。

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  • 难治性癫痫:治疗与展望


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  • An analysis on clinical characteristics of 36 epileptics with pregnancy

    ObjectiveTo investigate the clinical characteristics of epileptics with pregnancy and then provide reference for standardized management of epileptics with pregnancy. MethodsFrom June 2012 to June 2021, epileptics with pregnancy who delivered in Jinan Central Hospital were selected as the research subjects. The clinical data such as the application of Antiseizure medications (ASMs) during pregnancy, seizure frequency, pregnancy outcomes, delivery ways, offspring feeding ways and the incidence of complications were investigated and analyzed. ResultsAmong 36 epileptics with pregnancy, 20 cases (55.56%) were treated with ASMs alone, 5 cases (13.88%) were treated with combined medication, and 11 cases (30.56%) were treated without ASMs during pregnancy. 15 cases (41.67%) adhered to systematic application of ASMs, 17 cases (47.22%) did not adhere to systematic application of ASMs, and 4 cases (11.11%) had unknown medication history. The frequency of seizures increased in 5 cases, decreased in 7 cases and unchanged in 24 cases during pregnancy. Pregnancy outcomes: full-term delivery in 33 cases (91.67%), preterm delivery in 1 case (2.78%) and abortion in 2 cases (5.56%). Delivery mode: cesarean section in 31 cases (91.18%), vaginal delivery in 3 cases (8.82%). After delivery, 4 cases (11.76%) were fed with milk powder and 30 cases (88.24%) were breast-fed. Complications: There were 6 cases complicated with anemia (16.67%), 5 cases complicated with gestational hypertension (13.89%), 3 cases complicated with gestational diabetes (8.33%), 4 cases complicated with premature rupture of membranes (11.11%), 2 cases complicated with fetal growth restriction (5.56%), 2 cases complicated with oligohydramnios (5.56%), 3 cases complicated with fetal distress (8.33%) and 3 cases complicated with neonatal asphyxia (8.33%). ConclusionsThe proportion of epileptics with pregnancy who were systematically treated with ASMs was low and the seizures were poorly controlled. There is a lack of standardized management for such patients in clinical practice.

    Release date:2022-06-27 04:41 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Research progress of perampanel in the treatment of childhood epilepsy

    Perampanel (PER) is a third-generation novel anti-seizure drug, a postsynaptic neuronal (α-Amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4- isoxazolepropionic acid, AMPA) receptor antagonist, which effectively controls seizures by inhibiting glutamate-induced neurological hypertransmission. PER can not only be used for the addition of focal epilepsy 4 years old and above, but also monotherapy for children (≥ 4 years old) for the treatment of focal epilepsy patients, its efficacy and safety is relatively good, has been used clinically in many countries, the article overviewed the pharmacokinetics, mechanism, and the addition and monotherapy in different epilepsy types of childhood epilepsy and other aspects, in order to provide a reference for clinical medication, and provide individualized treatment for children with epilepsy.

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  • Research progress of clinical application of perampanel

    Epilepsy is a common chronic disease of the nervous system, which has certain adverse effects on the cognitive, psychological and social functions of the patients. To date, anti-seizure medications (ASMs) remain the first-line treatment option for epilepsy, but many patients with epilepsy still do not have effective seizure control when multiple ASMs are used in combination. Therefore, there is an urgent need for a new target and mechanism ASMs to bring about new treatment options and hope for patients with intractable epilepsy. Perampanel, a new third-generation ASMs, whereas second-generation ASMs tend to exert anti-seizure effects mainly by regulating ion channels or enhancing related mechanisms such as gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) effects, perampanel exerts its effects mainly by targeting the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate. Perampanel is the first selective α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionate (AMPA) receptor antagonist and the first selective inhibitory ASMs for excitatory postsynaptic function. Because of its unique target and mechanism, it has been approved by many countries in the world for adjuvant additive therapy and monotherapy for patients with focal and general epilepsy. In addition, with the discovery of the neuroprotective, antioxidant, neurotransmitter regulation effects of perampanel, it also provides a new potential choice for the treatment of other diseases. This article mainly reviews the mechanism of action, pharmacokinetics, clinical trials and treatment of other diseases other than epilepsy of perampanel.

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  • Effects of anti-seizure medications on postictal state of epilepsy

    The postictal state which describes changes in behavior, motor function, and neuropsychological performance that occur after a seizure and persist until these variables return to their normal baseline, which can take anywhere from a few seconds to a few hours to a few days. The degree and intensity of the postictal state significantly affects the patient's quality of life and is strongly associated with the patient's rating of the severity of the seizure, but receives little attention in the treatment of epilepsy, and anti-seizure medications prevent postictal events by making the patient seizures-free, or will attenuate or shorten the time after the seizure. Therefore, it is of great clinical significance to evaluate the efficacy of anti-seizure medications in the post-seizure state. This article reviews the effects of the main anti-seizure medications on the postictal state

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  • The relationship between serum homocysteine and post-stroke epolepsy

    Homocysteine is an intermediate product of methionine and cysteine metabolism, and plays a key role in methylation. Epilepsy is one of the common diseases of the nervous system, long-term repeated seizures will not only cause damage to the brain tissue, but also cause cognitive impairment. At present, the clinical treatment for epilepsy is still mainly to control symptoms, the fundamental etiology of epilepsy still needs to be improved, to explore the etiology of seizures, fundamentally control seizures, is still our long-term struggle direction. High homocysteine is associated with many diseases. Epidemiological studies have shown that the serum homocysteine level of 10% ~ 40% of epilepsy patients is higher than that of the normal population. By exploring the relationship between serum Hcy and epilepsy,We expect to provide help for the diagnosis and treatment of clinical epilepsy.

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  • 吡仑帕奈治疗成人癫痫的中国专家共识

    药物治疗是癫痫主要治疗手段。早期选择合适的抗癫痫发作药物(Antiseizure medications,ASMs)对控制癫痫的发作至关重要。第三代ASM吡仑帕奈作为非竞争性α-氨基-3-羟基-5-甲基-4-异噁唑丙酸(α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid,AMPA)受体拮抗剂,通过阻断谷氨酸(Glutamate,Glu)介导的兴奋性传递抑制癫痫发作,目前已广泛用于多种类型的癫痫发作。为促进其在我国成人癫痫中的更合理使用,保障临床用药的有效性和安全性,中国抗癫痫协会药物治疗专业委员会组织该领域专家,根据美国神经病学学会(American Academy of Neurology,AAN)/美国癫痫协会(American Epilepsy Society,AES)指南证据评级方法对研究进行评级,结合德尔菲(Delphi)法以线上问卷的形式对每一条推荐意见进行投票表决,经统计处理最终制定本共识,以供临床使用。

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  • The clinical characteristics of epilepsy patients treated with multi-drug combination therapy in Tibet plateau area

    Objective To explore the clinical characteristics of patients with combined use of ≥2 kinds of anti-seizure medications in Tibetan plateau. Methods Epilepsy patients who were hospitalized in the People’s Hospital of Tibet Autonomous Region from September 2018 to September 2023 and used ≥2 kinds of anti-seizure medications in combination were selected. Their demographic data such as gender, age, and ethnicity, as well as diagnostic information, medication and other clinical data were collected, and relevant demographic and clinical characteristics were analyzed. In the later stage, telephone follow-up was used to record medication and epileptic seizure control. Results A total of 2295 patients with epilepsy were included, of which 142 (6.2%) met the inclusion criteria, of which 133 (93.7%) were Tibetans. There were more males than females (86 vs. 56, P<0.05), and more minors and young patients than middle-aged and elderly patients (106 vs. 36, P<0.05). 87.3% of the patients underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT), and 71.1% of the patients were abnormal. The main cause of epilepsy was structural etiology (84/142, 59.2%). The most common combination was two drugs (127/142, 89.4%). The largest proportion of combination was sodium valproate and levetiracetam (46/142, 32.4%). After standardized multi-drug combination therapy, the average frequency of epilepsy seizures was significantly reduced compared with the baseline, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Among the 98 patients aged ≥14 years, 15 cases (15.3%) had drug-refractory epilepsy, 18 cases (18.4%) had seizures controlled by standardized combination medication, 16 cases (16.3%) had seizures controlled by reducing combination medication to a single drug, 5 cases (5.1%) had good control and had stopped medication, 3 cases (3.1%) had frequent epileptic seizures due to poor medication compliance, 15 cases (15.3%) had irregular medication, 17 cases (17.3%) died, and 9 cases (9.2%) were lost. Conclusion The proportion of epilepsy treated with multiple drugs and refractory to drugs was lower than the conclusion of previous studies, and the anti-epileptic effect of multiple drugs was positive. Structural causes (stroke, etc.) are the main causes of epilepsy, and brain parasitic infection is a unique factor of high-altitude epilepsy. Strengthening the standardized use of drugs will help improve the treatment status and prognosis of patients.

    Release date:2024-11-20 10:50 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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