目的 总结应用输尿管镜治疗结石梗阻性肾积脓手术配合的经验。 方法 对2003年4月-2007年12月因输尿管结石引起梗阻性肾积脓的27例患者行输尿管镜检查、气压弹道碎石、取石及留置双J管治疗的临床资料及手术配合进行回顾性分析。 结果 27例患者中,1次取净结石24例;术后2周经体外震波碎石治愈2例;改行开放手术1例,术中无明显并发症。 结论 手术护士应熟悉操作步骤,密切配合医生手术。应用输尿管镜治疗结石梗阻性肾积脓具有疗效好、创伤小、安全可靠等优点。
Objective To design nursing record sheet for day surgery in the Department of Ophthalmology and evaluate its effect through clinical application. Methods The nursing record sheet for day surgery in the Department of Ophthalmology was designed based on the theory of forms and record control, using the method of process analysis and process reengineering and taking into consideration the characteristics of nursing care during day surgery in the Department of Ophthalmology. The adverse event rate in nursing for ophthalmologic surgery and the satisfaction rate of operating room nurses were calculated before and after the application of this record sheet. Results From July to October 2015, the Department of Ophthalmology was involved in 9 cases (7.96%) of adverse events resulting from drawbacks of the nursing record design or mistakes in recording. From November 2015 to February 2016, the Department of Ophthalmology was involved in only 1 case (1.28%) of advense event resulting from defect caused by nuring record sheet; the difference was significant (P < 0.05). From July to October 2015, the satisfaction rate of oph thalmologic nurses before using the nursing record sheet was 54.33%, which was significantly improved to 98.71% from November 2015 to February 2016 after the utilization of the nursing record sheet. Conclusion The nursing record sheet for day surgery in the Department of Ophthalmology has been appropriately designed and is easy to use, which can improve the quality of surgery nursing as well as the satisfaction of operating room nurses.