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find Author "李文军" 9 results
  • 电视纵隔镜在恶性胸腔积液诊治中的应用


    Release date:2016-08-30 06:26 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 电视纵隔镜检查术11例

    Release date:2016-08-30 06:28 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 电视胸腔镜肺切除的手术方法

    目的 为了评价电视胸腔镜肺切除术在肺部肿瘤治疗中的可行性,而对其手术方法和治疗原则进行探讨. 方法 回顾性分析1992年10月至2000年3月,127例胸腔镜肺切除术患者的临床资料,其中肺楔形切除术71例,肺叶切除术50例,全肺切除术6例. 结果 全组无手术死亡及严重并发症, 手术时间、引流时间、住院时间均明显缩短.全组平均胸腔引流时间2.4天,平均住院天数10.6天. 结论 胸腔镜肺切除术是安全可行的,只要严格掌握手术适应证,运用合理的手术方法和技巧,一般可以达到与常规开胸手术同样的效果.

    Release date:2016-08-30 06:31 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Study advances of microorganisms and pathogenic mechanism of pancreatic cancer

    ObjectiveTo summarize the recent advances in the pathogenic mechanism of microorganisms and pancreatic cancer.MethodThrough the retrieval of relevant literatures, the recent progresses in the study of microorganism and pathogenesis of pancreatic cancer were reviewed.ResultsIn recent years, the potential role of intestinal microbiota in the pathogenic mechanism of pancreatic cancer had been studied. The studies found that the microbiome played an important role in the development of pancreatic cancer. Among them, the infections of Helicobacter pylori, oral pathogenic bacteria such as the Porphyromonas ginggivalis, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans and Phylum fusobacteria, and the changes of composition and diversity of intestinal microflora were closely related to the pancreatic cancer. The microorganisms induced the chronic inflammation and immune response through multiple pathways. The bacterial lipopolysaccharide stimulated the mutations in the KARS gene and mediated the inflammatory response by activating the nuclear factor-κB signaling pathway through Toll like receptor. The oral pathogenic microorganisms and Helicobacter pylori could also promote the cancer progression by secreting toxins that activated cancer-related signaling pathways.ConclusionsBacteria might be important carcinogens. These microorganisms promote development of cancer by causing chronic inflammation, activating cancer-related pathways, activating immune response, oxidative stress, and damaging DNA double strands.

    Release date:2020-08-19 12:21 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Expert consensus on T1 rhizotomy for central hand flexion spasticity (2024 version)

    Central limb spasticity is a common complication after central nervous system injury, in which hand flexion spasticity often leads to the loss of the patient’s ability to move. Reducing muscle tone and relieving spasticity are the prerequisites for restoring limb function. T1 rhizotomy, which has been proposed in recent years, has proven to be effective in the treatment of central hand flexion spasticity. This consensus summarizes the etiology, symptoms, functional assessment of central hand flexion spasticity, and surgical indications for T1 rhizotomy, surgical principles and procedures, and rehabilitation program. The standardized protocol of T1 rhizotomy for the treatment of central hand flexion spasticity is proposed for the reference of clinicians in the process of diagnosis and treatment, with the aim of further improving the treatment level for central hand flexion spasticity.

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  • Applied anatomy study and preliminary clinical application of hyper selective neurectomy of triceps branches combined with partial neurotomy of S2 nerve root to relieve spastic equinus foot

    ObjectiveTo observe the possibility of hyper selective neurectomy (HSN) of triceps branches combined with partial neurotomy of S2 nerve root for relieving spastic equinus foot. Methods Anatomical studies were performed on 12 adult cadaveric specimens. The S2 nerve root and its branches were exposed through the posterior approach. Located the site where S2 joined the sciatic nerve and measured the distance to the median line and the vertical distance to the posterior superior iliac spine plane, and the S2 nerve root here was confirmed to have given off branches of the pelvic splanchnic nerve, the pudendal nerve, and the posterior femoral cutaneous nerve. Between February 2023 and November 2023, 4 patients with spastic equinus foot were treated with HSN of muscle branches of soleus, gastrocnemius medial head and lateral head, and cut the branch where S2 joined the sciatic nerve. There were 3 males and 1 female, the age ranged from 5 to 46 years, with a median of 26 years. The causes included traumatic brain injury in 2 cases, cerebral hemorrhage in 1 case, and cerebral palsy in 1 case. The disease duration ranged from 15 to 84 months, with a median of 40 months. The triceps muscle tone measured by modified Ashworth scale (MAC) before operation was grade 3 in 2 cases and grade 4 in 2 cases. The muscle strength measured by Daniels-Worthingham manual muscle test (MMT) was grade 2 in 1 case, grade 3 in 1 case, and 2 cases could not be accurately measured due to grade 4 muscle tone. The Holden walking function grading was used to evaluate lower limb function and all 4 patients were grade 2. After operation, triceps muscle tone, muscle strength, and lower limb function were evaluated by the above grading. Results The distance between the location where S2 joined the sciatic nerve and median line was (5.71±0.53) cm and the vertical distance between the location and posterior superior iliac spine plane was (6.66±0.86) cm. Before joining the sciatic nerve, the S2 nerve root had given off branches of the pelvic splanchnic nerve, the pudendal nerve, and the posterior femoral cutaneous nerve. All the 4 patients successfully completed the operation, and the follow-up time was 4-13 months, with a median of 7.5 months. At last follow-up, the muscle tone of the patients decreased by 2-3 grades when compared with that before operation, and the muscle strength did not decrease when compared with that before operation. Holden walking function grading improved by 1-2 grades, and there was no postoperative hypoesthesia in the lower limbs. Conclusion HSN of triceps branches combined with partial neurotomy of S2 nerve root can relieve spastic equinus foot without damaging other sacral plexus nerves.

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  • 混合脑机接口技术用于痉挛性偏瘫手功能训练两例

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  • Differential diagnosis of high altitude pulmonary edema and COVID-19 with computed tomography feature

    To investigate the computed tomography (CT) characteristics and differential diagnosis of high altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) and COVID-19, CT findings of 52 cases of HAPE confirmed in Medical Station of Sanshili Barracks, PLA 950 Hospital from May 1, 2020 to May 30, 2020 were collected retrospectively. The size, number, location, distribution, density and morphology of the pulmonary lesions of these CT data were analyzed and compared with some already existed COVID-19 CT images which come from two files, “Radiological diagnosis of COVID-19: expert recommendation from the Chinese Society of Radiology (First edition)” and “A rapid advice guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of 2019 novel corona-virus (2019-nCoV) infected pneumonia (standard version)”. The simple or multiple ground-glass opacity (GGO) lesions are located both in the HAPE and COVID-19 at the early stage, but only the thickening of interlobular septa, called “crazy paving pattern” belongs to COVID-19. At the next period, some increased cloudy shadows are located in HAPE, while lesions of COVID-19 are more likely to develop parallel to the direction of the pleura, and some of the lesions show the bronchial inflation. At the most serious stage, both the shadows in HAPE and COVID-19 become white, but the lesions of HAPE in the right lung are more serious than that of left lung. In summary, some cloudy shadows are the feature of HAPE CT image, and “crazy paving pattern” and “pleural parallel sign” belong to the COVID-19 CT, which can be used for differential diagnosis.

    Release date:2021-02-08 06:54 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 完全清醒无止血带局部麻醉技术在手外科手术中的应用

    目的总结完全清醒无止血带局部麻醉技术(wide awake local anesthesia no tourniquet,WALANT)在手外科手术中的应用效果。方法 2021年4月—10月,采用WALANT为28例手外伤患者实施麻醉并手术。男18例,女10例,年龄15~55岁,平均35岁。急诊手术22例,择期手术6例。骨折切开复位内固定术5例,骨折内固定物取出术l例,肌腱探查断裂修复术18例,肌腱粘连松解术4例。采用疼痛视觉模拟评分(VAS)评估疼痛情况,术中观察出血情况,术后观察麻醉维持时间、手指血供变化及有无并发症发生,采用主动运动总和法(TAM)评定手部功能。结果 术中麻醉与止血效果满意,患者未诉疼痛。第1针刺入皮肤时VAS评分为2~4分;术中操作未引起明显疼痛,VAS评分为0~1分;麻醉效果可持续6~8 h,VAS评分为2~6分。术后手术区域麻醉效果逐渐消失后,所有患者口服或静脉滴注非甾体止痛药能有效缓解疼痛。术后24 h内患者无头痛、头晕、恶心、呕吐、乏力、皮疹等药物不良反应,术后8 h手指皮温及毛细血管反应同正常手指。术后未出现血运障碍等麻醉不良反应。28例患者均获随访,随访时间6~12个月,平均8个月。末次随访时TAM评定获优20例、良8例。结论手外科手术中应用WALANT止痛和止血效果良好、操作简单、安全有效,术中能即刻观察手术效果。

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