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find Author "王剑荣" 2 results
  • 体外膜肺氧合抢救一例急性暴发型心肌炎

    临床资料 男性患儿, 11 岁, 因“发热4 d, 腹痛1 d”入院。患儿4 d 前无明显诱因发热伴咽痛, 最高体温39 ℃, 就诊当地医院, 考虑“上呼吸道感染”, 输注头孢呋辛及对症处理, 效果欠佳, 转诊我院急诊。查体: 心率102 次/min, 呼吸34 次/min, 血压60 /32 mm Hg( 1 mmHg = 0. 133 kPa) , 体温38 ℃。K+ 5.4 mmoL/L, Na+ 126 mmoL/L, Cl - 95 mmoL/L,WBC 11. 5 ×109 /L, RBC 4. 76 ×1012 /L, Hb 120 g/L。心肌酶谱: CK 2098 U/L, CKMB 82 U/L, TNT 32. 1 U/L。ECG 提示:不规则多源性室性心律, Ⅲ度房室传导阻滞, 广泛导联ST-T损伤型改变。临床诊断: ①急性暴发型心肌炎; ②心源性休克; ③Ⅲ度房室传导阻滞。

    Release date:2016-08-30 11:53 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • The Value of PaO2 /( FiO2 ×Paw ) in Assessing Intrapulmonary Shunting in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

    Objective To investigate whether the new oxygenation index [ PaO2 /( FiO2 ×Paw ) ]which including mean airway pressure ( Paw ) for assessing intrapulmonary shunting of acute respiratory distress syndrome( ARDS) could be more accurate than the conventional oxygenation ratio ( PaO2 /FiO2 ) .Methods Twelve patients with ARDS were recruited. All patients received mechanical ventilation under lung ventilation protective strategy ( VT 6 mL/kg, f 16 bpm, FiO2 60% ) , and had a Swan-Ganz catheter inserted. Then, pressure/ volume curves were determined by low-flow method and the lower inflection point pressure was surveyed. Subsequently, parameters of respiratory mechanics and haemodynamics were recorded while periphery and pulmonary artery blood gas analysis were performed when positive end expiratory pressure ( PEEP) were changed. PaO2 /FiO2 and Qsp/Qt were calculated through special formula respectively. Results The progressive PEEP could not change Cst, PaO2 /FiO2 , and PaO2 / ( FiO2 ×Paw) in patients with ARDS significantly ( P gt; 0. 05) . The progressive PEEP did not change Qsp/Qt significantly ( P gt;0. 05) . The Δz which was used to test the difference between the correlation coefficient of Qsp/Qt and PaO2 / ( FiO2 ×Paw) and the correlation coefficient of Qsp/Qt and PaO2 /FiO2 was 0. 571, and there was no difference between the two correlation coefficients ( P gt; 0. 05) . It was not Paw but Cst which impacted on Qsp/Qt and PaO2 /FiO2 . Conclusion PaO2 / ( FiO2 × Paw ) is equal to PaO2 /FiO2 in assessing intrapulmonary shunting of ARDS.

    Release date:2016-08-30 11:54 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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