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find Author "王薇薇" 17 results
  • 癫痫的抑郁共患病

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  • 眶额区癫痫--有待深入研究的癫痫类型

    眶额区位于双侧额叶下方前颅凹中, 嗅束将直回与其他脑回分开。眶额区本身在各脑回间, 以及与额叶凸面及内侧面, 颞叶有广泛的联系。眶额区起源的癫痫少见。发作开始均先出现动作停止、无反应及茫然, 而后根据扩布的不同出现:嗅觉异常、过度运动、头眼偏向同侧或对侧、重复动作等运动症状、自主神经症状, 还可以有难以确定的感觉异常、发笑、似曾相识、视幻觉、自动症。根据临床症状可以分为额叶型、颞叶型及额颞叶型。头皮脑电图很难提供有定位价值的异常, 常为额颞叶甚至双侧额颞叶异常。深部电极尤其是立体脑电图有定侧定位价值。眶额区癫痫几乎均为药物难治性癫痫, 应以外科治疗为主。

    Release date:2017-01-22 09:09 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 双侧颞叶癫痫

    颞叶癫痫(Temporal lobe epilepsy,TLE)是最常见的限局性癫痫,药物治疗效果差,因此是癫痫外科治疗的主要类型。但标准前颞切除后 1~2 年无发作率仅为 65%,其原因之一是双侧颞叶癫痫(Bilateral temporal lobe epilepsy,BTLE)。BTLE 的定义尚无统一标准,在临床及头皮脑电图可发现有 BTLE 的可能,颅内电极尤其是立体定向脑电图在确定 BTLE 方面起决定性作用。BTLE 的确切发生率尚不了解,在 TLE 大约 30%~40% 为 BTLE。双侧颞叶间有功能性相互密切联系,一侧颞叶病变或功能异常很容易影响对侧颞叶,逐渐形成 BTLE。BTLE 几乎均为药物难治的,在精准定位定侧的情况下,如能证实发作的 50%~80% 以上起于一侧,神经心理检查对侧颞叶功能适当,无颞外症状,行一侧颞叶切除 30% 预后好。对 BTLE 尚有很多需深入研究的问题,尤其是外科治疗的适应证及预后。今后应深入开展多中心大样本前瞻性研究。

    Release date:2020-05-19 01:07 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 强制正常化(Forced normalization)—一种特殊的发作,脑电图和精神病的相关性

    癫痫发作和精神症状之间有拮抗现象,即发作消失及脑电图明显改善后出现精神症状,1953 年 Landolt 称之为强制正常化(Forced normalization)。至今报道尚不多。机制仍待研究。可能诱因为抗癫痫药物或癫痫外科治疗,尤其是颞叶切除。应用抗精神病药物后大多数精神症状消失,如不积极治疗可能成为持续性精神症状。因此值得重视。

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  • 轻度皮质发育畸形伴少突胶质细胞增生及癫痫(MOGHE)—一个新的临床组织病理学实体

    2002年Burger等首先报道癫痫患者的大脑标本中有少突胶质细胞增生。2013年Coras等认为是一个新的临床病理学实体称之增殖性少突胶质细胞伴癫痫(Proliferative oligodendroglial hyperlasia in epilepsy,POGHE)。2017年Schurr等详细研究其病理学后确认为轻度皮质发育畸形伴少突胶质细胞增生及癫痫(Mild malformation of cortical development with oligodendroglial hyperplasia and epilepsy,MOGHE)。迄今国外文献报道92例,国内尚无报道及介绍,本文对92例进行分析并复习文献。均为儿童药物难治性部分发作,发作年龄≤15岁者96.4%,≤10岁者83.1%。临床表现多种多样。电临床多定位于额叶(81.5%),少数在颞顶或颞枕区。磁共振成像异常类似于局灶性皮质发育不良(Focal cortical dysplasia,FCD),尤其是FCDⅡa。均为药物难治性癫痫,并做外科切除性治疗。组织病理学均有不同于FCD的特点,即灰白质交界处有簇状或层状少突胶质细胞增生及异位神经元。但皮质分层无异常。

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  • 穿透征(Transmantle sign)的磁共振成像及其特征

    Barkovich等于1997年首先报道磁共振成像的穿透征,在T2相FLAIR相为轻度高信号,T1相为低信号的带状异常从异常脑沟伸延至侧脑室壁。最常见于局限性皮质发育障碍 Ⅱb 型。本文复习相关文献介绍其磁共振成像特点、定义、临床意义及组织病理学,结合发生机制强调穿透征的必要条件为从皮质沟底伸向侧脑室壁的异常信号,不能与同样常见于局限性皮质发育障碍 Ⅱ 型的沟底现象混为一谈。

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  • 顶叶内侧—解剖、生理与癫痫

    顶叶内侧主要包括楔前叶、后扣带皮质及压后皮质,为默认网络的关键部位,其功能尚未完全了解,与空间认知,记忆及图形方向的认知有关,并参与意识过程。顶叶内侧癫痫极为少见,又因起源于顶叶内侧面,因此对其特征,诊断标准的研究不多。主要分为两大类型:① 楔前叶癫痫,楔前叶与其他皮质区及皮质下结构有广泛的联系,可分为三部分:前感觉运动亚区、中认知亚区、后感觉亚区。发作症状包括前庭症状、视觉症状,还有运动症状;② 后扣带回癫痫,发作时有四种症状:过度运动、不对称性强直性姿势、自动症及呆滞发作。上述症状多数为发作发放扩布至其他脑区后出现的。头皮脑电图无定位价值,仅有颅内电极尤其是立体定向脑电图才能确定致痫区。绝大部分为药物难以控制发作者,一旦确诊外科治疗为最佳选择。

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  • 顶叶外侧癫痫—解剖、生理与临床

    顶叶为联合皮质与其他脑叶有广泛的联系。顶叶癫痫少见仅为全部癫痫的1.4%。因其无特殊性症状且迅速扩布至其他脑叶,所以发作症状复杂,临床诊断困难。具有躯体感觉、体象障碍、前庭感觉这三种先兆,发作源于顶叶的可能性非常大。发作性症状多类似额叶或颞叶发作。头皮脑电图定位意义不大,因此多需要颅内电极监测以及影像学[如磁共振成像(Magnetic resonance imaging, MRI),发作时单光子发射计算机断层成像术(Single-photon emission computed tomography,SPECT)]检测。顶叶癫痫几乎均为药物难治性发作,定位明确的外科治疗60%~80%预后良好。

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  • The role of magnetoencephalography in presurgical focus localization in epilepsy

    Intracranial electrographic recording, especially stereoencephalography (SEEG), remains the gold standard for preoperative localization in epilepsy patients. However, this method is invasive and has low spatial resolution. In 1982, magnetoencephalography (MEG) began to be used in epilepsy clinics. MEG is not affected by the skull and scalp, can provide signals with high temporal and spatial resolution, and can be used to determine the epiletogensis zone (EZ) and the seizure onset zone (SOZ). Magnetic source imaging (MSI) is a method that superimposes the MEG data on a magnetic resonance image (MRI) and has become a major tool for presurgical localization. The applicability of MEG data has been largely improved by the development of many post-MRI processing methods in the last 20 years. In terms of the sensitivity of localization, MEG is superior to VEEG, MRI, PET and SPECT, despite inferiority to SEEG. MEG can also assist in the intracranial placement of electrodes and improve preoperative planning. Limitations of MEG include high cost, insensitivity to radiation source, and difficulty in locating deep EZ in the medial regions of the brain. These limitations could be overcome by new generations of equipment and improvement of algorithmics.

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  • Brain network theory, the significance and practice in clinical epileptology

    Currently, about one-third of patients with anti-epilepsy drug or resective surgery continue to have sezure, the mechanism remin unknown. Up to date, the main target for presurgical evaluation is to determene the EZ and SOZ. Since the early nineties of the last century network theory was introduct into neurology, provide new insights into understanding the onset, propagation and termination. Focal seizure can impact the function of whole brain, but the abnormal pattern is differet to generalized seizure. Brain network is a conception of mathematics. According to the epilepsy, network node and hub are related to the treatment. Graphy theory and connectivity are main algorithms. Understanding the mechanism of epilepsy deeply, since study the theory of epilepsy network, can improve the planning of surgery, resection epileptogenesis zone, seizure onset zone and abnormal node of hub simultaneously, increase the effect of resectiv surgery and predict the surgery outcome. Eventually, develop new drugs for correct the abnormal network and increase the effect. Nowadays, there are many algorithms for the brain network. Cooperative study by the clinicans and biophysicists instituted standard and extensively applied algorithms is the precondition of widely used clinically.

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