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find Keyword "肉芽" 45 results
  • 变应性肉芽肿性血管炎二例报告并文献复习

    目的 加深对变应性肉芽肿性血管炎(又称Churg-Strauss综合征,CSS)的认识,提高临床诊断及治疗水平,改善预后。方法 复习国内发表的临床诊断为CSS的28例病例,结合近期南华大学第二附属医院收治的2例变应性肉芽肿性血管炎病例进行临床分析。结果 30例患者中,男16例(53.3%),女14例(46.7%);年龄7~76岁,平均41.4岁。14例以喘息为首发症状,19例有支气管哮喘症状,病变可累及呼吸系统(63.3%)、神经系统(36.7%)、皮肤(50.0%)、消化系统(33.3%)、心脏(13.3%)、肾脏(6.7%)、关节肌肉(3.0%)、外周血管(6.7%)及眼部(6.7%)等。28例(93.3%)存在嗜酸粒细胞异常,平均值为29.5%,6例患者抗中性粒细胞胞浆抗体核周型(P-ANCA)、抗中性粒细胞胞浆抗体胞浆型(C-ANCA)检查均提示阳性。18例CSS患者肺部CT存在异常,多表现为浸润性、磨玻璃样、弥漫性间质样或结节样改变;14例取得病理学检查依据,表现为嗜酸粒细胞浸润,血管炎及血管外肉芽肿。临床治疗主要使用糖皮质激素和免疫抑制剂(如环磷酰胺),总体预后较好。结论 变应性肉芽肿性血管炎是一种罕见的系统性血管炎疾病,临床表现缺乏特异性,易漏诊、误诊,当患者表现为哮喘、外周血嗜酸粒细胞增多及肉芽肿性血管炎时,应高度警惕此病。

    Release date:2016-08-30 11:31 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    To investigate the diagnosis, pathological characteristics and clinical treatment of gastric eosinophilic granuloma (GEG). Twenty two cases with GEG diagnosed by operation and pathology were analyzed. In this series 14 cases subjected to partial gastrectomy, 6 cases to subtotal gastrectomy, 1 case to total gastrectomy, and 1 case to radical gastrectomy. After 1-10 years of follow-up, 1 case, who was combined with gastric carcinoma at the first operation, died of the recurrence and extensive metastasis of gastric carcinoma on the 4th year after operation, 2 cases were reoperated on the 2nd or 6th year respectively after operation for forward complication, and the others recoverd well. The authors consider that gastrofiberscopic diagnosis is key to lessen the preoperative misdiagnosis, and the scope of dissection mainly depends on the size and type of focus. It is no need for extensive dissection.

    Release date:2016-08-29 09:18 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 肉芽肿性肺疾病

    肉芽肿性肺疾病( GLD) 或称肺肉芽肿病( lung granulomatosis) , 是一组病因不同但以肉芽肿性炎症和肉芽肿形成为共同病理特征的肺部疾病的总称。所谓肉芽肿( granuloma) 是指巨噬细胞及其演化的细胞( 如上皮样细胞、多核巨细胞) 聚集和增生所形成的境界清楚的结节状病灶,是一种特殊类型的慢性增生性炎症。肉芽肿的形成是机体对外来刺激的一种重要的防御机制, 其结果是致病因子被局限于肉芽肿内。肉芽肿不应与肉芽组织( granulation tissue)相混淆, 后者是由新生薄壁的毛细血管以及增生的成纤维细胞构成, 并伴有炎性细胞浸润, 肉眼表现为鲜红色, 颗粒状,柔软湿润, 形似鲜嫩的肉芽故而得名, 为幼稚阶段的纤维结缔组织。肉芽肿性肺疾病并不是一种独立的疾病, 病因较多, 治疗上也存在很大差别, 因而如何确定其诊断极为重要。

    Release date:2016-09-13 04:06 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 变应性肉芽肿性血管炎两例并文献复习

    变应性肉芽肿性血管炎又称Churg—Strauss综合征(CSS ),是一种以哮喘、血和组织中嗜酸粒细胞增多、血管外坏死性肉芽肿为特征的系统性小血管炎。该病临床罕见,国外报道其发病率约为24/100万。由于该病早期临床表现不典型,容易误诊,现将我院收治的2例CSS患者报告如下。临床资料 例1 患者男性,56岁。因“反复胸闷气喘伴咳嗽28个月,双手发麻6个月,加重10 d”,于2007年12月1日入院。2005年8月起无明显诱因经常感胸闷气喘,活动时明显,伴咳嗽,咳少量白色黏痰,在外院诊断为肺炎,经抗感染治疗可好转。2006年6月2日胸部CT示两肺纹理粗乱,右中叶、左舌叶见少许小片状影;2006年6月6日支气管镜检查见气管支气管黏膜充血水肿,腔内少量白色分泌物;痰找抗酸杆菌阳性,于2006年6月7日第1次住院。病程中,体重减轻10 kg。既往于2005年5月22日因双侧锁骨上窝淋巴结肿大行淋巴结活检,活检病理示慢性反应性增生;1:2000 PPD试验 红肿大小为10 mm×11 mm,有水泡。查体:双肺未闻及干湿性啰音。入院后查血常规:白细胞(WBC)总数11.1×109/L,血红蛋白96 g/L,血小板计数192×109/L;血结核抗体弱阳性(酶标法);肝功能:球蛋白82.1 g/L,白蛋白28.3 g/L;肾功能正常;血沉 115 mm/1 h;尿常规:潜血(±),痰找结核菌6次阴性;腹部CT平扫+增强提示右肾上腺肿瘤(嗜铬细胞瘤可能性大);心脏彩超及动脉血气正常。诊断为肺结核,支气管结核,右肾上腺嗜铬细胞瘤,于2006年6月19日予3HLEZ/9HL方案抗结核及抗感染治疗,2006年6月26日症状好转出院,但仍感活动时胸闷气喘,复查血常规:WBC总数8.3×109/L,血红蛋白95 g/L,血小板计数400×109/L;肝功能:球蛋白68.5 g/L,白蛋白26.3 g/L;肾功能正常。于2006年9月1日因双下肢关节痛自行停用抗结核治疗。2006年9月11日行右肾上腺嗜铬细胞瘤切除治疗。

    Release date:2016-08-30 11:58 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 偶合还是继发? ———韦格纳肉芽肿合并肺鳞癌一例并文献复习

    Release date:2016-09-13 04:07 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinical Analysis of Granulomatous Lung Disease: 36 Cases Report

    Objective To analyze the data from patients with pathologically proved granulomatous lung disease, including etiology, clinical, radiological features and laboratory results. Methods 36 patients with granulomatous lung disease confirmed by lung biopsy in Shanghai First People’s Hospital of Shanghai Jiao Tong University from January 2008 to June 2012 were retrospectively reviewed. The clinical presentation, radiological features and laboratory results were collected and statistically analyzed.Results After haematoxylin and eosin stain combined with special stain, the diagnoses were comfirmed, ie.13 cases of mycobacterial infection, 5 cases of aspergillar infection, 4 cases of cryptococcal infection, 6 cases of sarcoidosis, 4 cases of Wegener’s granulomatosis, 4 cases of unknown causes. Cough was the most common clinical symptom, followed by expectoration. Some patients also developed fever, chest tightness and weight loss. The lesions were widely distributed, of which the right upper lung was the common lesion of mycobacterial infection, inferior lobe of right lung was the common lesion of aspergillar infection. The common lesion of cryptococcal infection was uncertain. The common lesions of sarcoidosis and Wegener ’s granulomatosis were in left upper lung. Small nodule was the most common shapes of lesion, while mass and consolidation were present sometimes. Cavity, air bronchogram, pleural effusion, hilar and mediastinal lymph node enlargement could be found in the chest CT. Interferon gamma release assay, galactomannan antigen assay and latex agglutination test were helpful in the diagnosis of mycobacterial infection, aspergillar infection and cryptococcal infection induced granuloma. Conclusions The clinical presentations and radiological features of granulomatous lung disease are nonspecific. Histopathology obtained through biopsy is the key for the diagnosis. Immunological examination, test of new antigens to microorganism and clinical microorganism detection are valuble in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of granulomatous lung disease.

    Release date:2016-09-13 03:51 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 儿童肺浆细胞性肉芽肿一例

    Release date:2016-08-30 05:46 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    Objective To investigate the operative procedure and the effectiveness of eosinophil ic granuloma (EG) of long bones in children. Methods Between January 2005 and December 2009, 14 patients with EG of long bones were treated. There were 9 boys and 5 girls, aged from 1 to 13 years (mean, 6.5 years). The locations were femur in 5 cases, humerus in 4 cases, tibia in 2 cases, fibula in 1 case, and femur compl icated with tibia in 2 cases. The disease duration was7 days to 10 months (median, 2 months). X-ray films showed that osteolytic destruction had clear boundary, which did notinvolve the epi physeal plate. Of 14 cases, 12 cases of tumor were treated by curettage, autologous il iac bone or combined artificial bone graft repair, and 2 cases were treated by resection, autologous il iac reconstruction, plate and screw fixation. Five cases compl icated with pathological fracture underwent reduction and fixation. Results All cases were diagnosed pathologically as having EG. All incisions healed by first intention. A total of 12 patients were followed up 1 to 4 years (mean, 2 years). The X-ray films showed tumor focus and pathological fracture healed within 3 to 4 months (mean, 3.5 months). Tibial lesion was found in 1 case of femoral tumor after 8 months, and was curred after reoperation. No recurrence occurred in other 11 cases. According to comprehensive assessing standard of X-ray film and joint function, the results of all cases were excellent. Conclusion EG of long bones in children is more common in the femur and humerus. Tumor curettage and autologous il iac bone graft repair is an effective method, and postoperative prognosis is good. There may be multiple lesions, so long-term follow-up is needed.

    Release date:2016-08-31 05:44 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 家族遗传性多趾嵌趾甲致多发性肉芽肿一例

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:29 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 复合皮移植修复功能部位肉芽创面的临床研究

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:33 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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