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find Keyword "腘动脉" 15 results
  • Diagnosis and Treatment of Popliteal Aneurysm: Report of 11 Cases

    Objective To present and summarize the data concerning the diagnosis and treatment of popliteal aneurysm in our hospital. Methods The data of popliteal aneurysm in our hospital from 1975 to 2004 were reviewed and analyzed. Eleven patients with 11 diseased limbs were treated, including 8 males and 3 females, age from 21 years to 64 years 〔(48.54±13.66) years〕. The combined diseases include syphilis, rheumatic heart disease and chronic obstructire pulmonary disease etc. Ten patients received operations, including endoaneurysmorrhaphy (n=4) and graft bypass after aneurysmal resection (n=6), through posterior approach (n=7) or medial approach (n=3). One patient, combined with advanced syphilis and heart failure, received conservative treatment because of his poor general condition. Results The common clinical manifestations included popliteal pulsating mass, claudication, difficulty in extension of the knee, pain etc. Acute ischemia occurred in 3 limbs. The diameter of popliteal aneurysms varied from 4-13 cm 〔(6.73±2.69) cm〕. There were 3 (27.3%) cases of ruptured aneurysms whose diameters were 7 cm, 7 cm and 11 cm respectively. Special examinations included arteriography and Doppler sonography. Pathological results of these patients were pseudoaneurysm (n=3), syphilitic aneurysm (n=3) and atherosclerotic aneurysm (n=4). Two patients were not followed up, and postoperative follow up of the other 8 patients ranged from 18 months to 30 years. In the group of endoaneurysmorrhaphy, postoperative gangrene of the affected limb occurred in one patient, and above-knee amputation was performed. One patient suffered from intermittent claudication in the group of endoaneurysmorrhaphy and of graft bypass respectively. No manifestations of limb ischemia were found in the other 5 patients during the time of follow up. Conclusion General utilization of Doppler sonography in screening high risk patients might be helpful to detect popliteal aneurysm. For symptomatic popliteal aneurysm or asymptomatic popliteal aneurysm with diameter larger than 3 cm, operation is indicated. Asymptomatic popliteal aneurysms no more than 3 cm in diameter could be monitored with care.

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  • 腘动脉断裂吻合术后吻合口狭窄介入治疗一例

    目的 报道一例腘动脉断裂吻合术后吻合口狭窄行介入治疗的疗效。 方法 2006 年2 月,收治1 例42 岁男性右膝腘动脉断裂吻合术后吻合口狭窄患者。损伤后30 h 于左侧股动脉穿刺,行右股动脉造影,经导丝置入美敦力自膨式髂动脉支架,在吻合口处将支架快速释放,撑开良好,解除吻合口狭窄,恢复远端血流。 结果 术后即刻右足背动脉和胫后动脉搏动良好,右足皮温明显改善,肢体疼痛症状逐渐减轻。患者获随访1 年6 个月,患肢血运良好。 结论 介入法治疗腘动脉断裂吻合术后吻合口狭窄具有创伤小、操作简便、速度快的优点。

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:05 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 腘动脉损伤的诊断与治疗

    目的 总结腘动脉损伤早期诊断、治疗与后期并发症处理的方法,最大限度恢复患肢功能。方法 1998年7月~2005年2月,收治39例国动脉损伤患者。男33例,女6例;年龄10~55岁,平均31.6岁。单纯腘动脉损伤6例,合并骨折33例。伤后1~6 d手术。伤后6 h以内入院及肢体缺血症状较轻者,骨折复位固定后恢复动脉通血;伤后超过6 h入院且肢体缺血症状较重者,恢复动脉通血后再处理骨折。后期皮缺损采用皮瓣移植修复,合并骨缺采用骨皮瓣移植。结果 35例成功保肢,其中10例伤口Ⅰ期愈合,25例Ⅱ期愈合;截肢4例。24例皮瓣完全成活,1例皮瓣部分坏死,经二期植皮后成活。患者均获随访6个月~4年,平均3.4年。骨折愈合时间10~34周。20例足部感觉于术后2 d~6个月恢复正常;2年后9例足底感觉恢复正常,6例足底及足背感觉均迟钝。根据杜天信等关于血管损伤的疗效评定标准:本组优10例,良24例,可1例,差4例,优良率87%。 结论腘动脉损伤的早期诊断、正确治疗,是减少截肢、提高肢体功能康复的关键。

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:22 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    Objective To summarize the experience in treatment and diagnosis of popliteal artery trauma and to determine the factors for amputation. Methods From February 1995 to January 2006, 28 patients with popliteal artery trauma were treated. The disease course was more than 8 hours. Of them, there were 25 males and 3 females, aging from 3 to 53 years. Trauma was caused by traffic accident in 12 cases, by falling from height in 3 cases, by firearm in 2 cases, by sharp instruments in 3 cases, by strangulation in 2 cases and by others in 6 cases. No arteriopalmus or weak arteriopalmus wereobserved in 18 cases and in 8 cases respectively. Popliteal artery exposure or active bleeding was seen in 2 cases; the popliteal arteries were examined by operation in 8 cases; color ultrasound Doppler flow imaging showed color flood flowsignals were through popliteal artery and its branches in 20 cases. Defect sizeof popliteal artery was less than 5 cm in 7 cases and more than 5 cm in 9 cases. End to end anastomosis reconstruction by saphenous vein graft and direct suture was performed in 16 cases and ampulation in 12 cases. The time of the revascularization of the leg was 8-150 hours (mean 31.8 hours). Results All patients were followed up 6 months to 11 years with an average of 4.2 years. In 16 cases given end to end anastomosis reconstruction, 15 cases achieved revascularization and limb survival; lower limb function restored to normal within 1 year in 12 cases; foot drop and ankle joint contracture occurred in 3 casesand the survival rate of limbs was 94%. Amputation was given in 12 of 28 casesbecause of severe trauma. The rate of amputation was 43% and the rate of disability was 54%. Conclusion Popliteal artery trauma should be treated as soon as the diagnosis is made. If the revascularization is more than 8 hours or circulatory compensation is not complete, it will affect the leg survival. Delayed diagnosis and severe traumas are the cause of high rate ofamputation in popliteal artery trauma.

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:23 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 闭合性腘动脉损伤显微外科治疗

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:25 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the rate of salvage of lower limb with long-time injury of popliteal artery. METHODS: Twenty-one patients with injury of popliteal artery were treated. The interval between injury and repair of artery ranged from 12 hrs to 48 hrs. The essences of operation were thorough debridement of the ischemic and necrotic muscles, primary suture of wound, and repair of popliteal artery on the basis of reduction and fixation of fracture. RESULTS: The limb salvage were achieved in 19 cases. The saved limbs could fulfill the basic function of walk. CONCLUSION: Thorough debridement of ischemic and necrotic muscle and primary suture of wound were reasonable methods which could treat long-time injury of popliteal artery without amputation.

    Release date:2016-09-01 10:15 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Ultrasonic Image Research and Clinical Application of Arteriae Surales

    Objective To investigate theory guidance for preoperative appraisal of advanced stage lower limb arteriosclerosis obliterans and clinical application of arteriae surales. Methods From September 2007 to June 2008, one hundred cases without obviously arteriosclerosis were collected to accepted color Doppler ultrasonography, and parameters of the arteriae surales were observed, such as location, macro-body morphous, caliber, and blood parameters value, meanwhile the caliber and blood parameters value of anterior tibial artery and posterior tibial artery were also measured. Results Detection rate of arteriae surales was 96% (96/100). Arteriae surales located midpiece sequentiae of popliteal fossa, and above flatfish tendinous arch, which in 89 cases were geminous branched from popliteal artery; in the remaining 7 cases, popliteal artery diverged a bole, walked 1-3 cm, then diverged two branches and ingressed gastrocnemius. Diameter and cross section area of arteriae surales were smaller than those of anterior tibial artery and posterior tibial artery (P<0.05), but peak flow rate of systolic phase, maximum positive direction flow rate of relaxing period and mean flow rate were not significantly differents between arteriae surales and anterior tibial artery or posterior tibial artery (P>0.05). The flow of geminous arteriae surales was 63.1% of anterior tibial artery, and 59.1% of posterior tibial artery. Conclusion Through the ultrasonic study, it is significant for clinical therapy to master the normal anatomy, blood parameters value and flow of arteriae surales.

    Release date:2016-09-08 11:04 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Treatment Strategy of The Popliteal Artery Lesions

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    ObjectiveTo investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of free popliteal artery cutaneous branch flap anastomosed with lateral tarsal artery and vein for the repair of wound on the foot and ankle by anatomical observation and clinical application. MethodsLatex was poured into the blood vessels of 8 cadavers, then perforator vessel of posterolateral upper calf was dissected, and the popliteal artery cutaneous branch flap was designed with a pedicle of 2.5 cm in length; the lateral tarsal artery of the foot was dissected, could be freed to 6 cm in length; the diameter of these vessels was measured, and the number of the accompanying veins was counted. Between March 2010 and January 2013, 13 cases of foot and ankle wounds were repaired with popliteal artery cutaneous branch flap anastomosed with lateral tarsal artery and vein. The size of flaps ranged from 6.0 cm×4.0 cm to 7.5 cm×5.5 cm. There were 11 males and 2 females, aged from 41 to 65 years (mean, 47.3 years). The causes of injury included traffic accident in 8 cases, crushing in 4 cases, and twist by machine in 1 case. The size of wounds, ranged from 5.0 cm×3.5 cm to 7.0 cm×5.0 cm. The donor sites were sutured directly. ResultsAccording to anatomical observation, the popliteal artery cutaneous branch flap was designed by using the lateral popliteal artery perforator for shaft. The vessel of the pedicle perforator flaps from the popliteal artery cutaneous branch flap matched well with the lateral tarsal artery. Clinical results: vascular crisis occurred in 2 flaps, which survived after symptomatic treatment; the other flaps survived, with primary healing of wound and incision at donor site. The patients were all followed up 5-18 months (mean, 11 months). The flap had normal color and good elasticity. Second stage operation was performed to make the flap thinner in 3 female patients because of bulky flaps. The remaining patients had no obvious fat flap. According to American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) score for evaluation of the ankle function at 6 months after operation, the results were excellent in 7 cases, good in 5 cases, and fair in 1 case, with an excellent and good rate of 92.3%. ConclusionFree popliteal artery cutaneous branch flap anastomosed with lateral tarsal artery and vein for the repair of wound on the foot and ankle is simple and effective. The donor site is hidden.

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  • 腘动脉陷迫综合征外科治疗疗效分析

    目的探讨外科治疗腘动脉陷迫综合征(popliteal artery entrapment syndrome,PAES)的疗效。 方法回顾分析2006年4月-2014年4月收治的14例PAES患者临床资料,其中男13例,女1例;年龄20~54岁,平均35.5岁。左侧4例,右侧9例,双侧1例。10条患肢足背动脉搏动消失,5条患肢足背动脉搏动减弱;踝肱指数0.51±0.07。病程2周~12个月,平均5.2个月。根据PAES不同诊断及分型对9例患者行腘动脉周围异常组织松解术及腔内治疗术,余5例腘动脉功能性陷迫行保守治疗。 结果1例行肌切除、闭塞动脉取栓动脉成形术者,术后5 d腘动脉再次闭塞,行插管溶栓术后再通。其余患者经手术治疗及保守治疗后踝肱指数上升至0.93±0.22,与术前比较差异有统计学意义(t=5.634,P=0.000),跛行症状均缓解。14例均获随访,随访时间5~81个月,平均29.7个月。8例行腘动脉松解术后下肢活动正常,腘动脉血流通畅;1例介入下行球囊扩张术后11个月腘动脉再狭窄,给予抗血小板、抗凝保守治疗后症状未见反复。5例保守治疗患者治疗后下肢活动正常,腘动脉血流通畅。 结论PAES患者早期确诊并及时外科干预能获较好近、中期临床疗效。

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