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find Keyword "良性肿瘤" 25 results

    目的 探讨十二指肠良性肿瘤的诊断与治疗。方法 对1992~1998年间收治的10例患者的临床资料行回顾性总结分析。 结果术前经纤维十二指肠镜确诊7例 ,上消化道X线钡餐确诊3例。肿瘤位于十二指肠降部7例,球部3例。其中6例行手术治疗,4例因心肺脑等严重合并症行保守治疗。手术为十二指肠肿瘤局部切除连同周围肠壁组织部分切除。术后病理报告2例为平滑肌瘤,2例为布鲁氏纳氏腺瘤,2例为间质瘤。结论 十二指肠良性肿瘤可引发严重并发症,如出血、腹痛、肠梗阻、穿孔等,并约有15%的病例可发生恶变。一经诊断,应及早手术治疗,手术一般宜行局部切除。

    Release date:2016-08-28 05:30 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Pulmonary Sclerosing Hemangioma: Three Cases Report and Literature Review

    Objective To improve the knowledge of pulmonary sclerosing hemangioma ( PSH)especially with bilateral multiple lesions of the lung. Methods The clinical data of 3 cases of PSH ( 1 case with bilateral multiple lesions in the lung) were analyzed, and the related literatures were reviewed. Results All of the 3 cases were females. A 22-year-old female patientwith bilateral multiple nodules in the lungs was complicated with thyroid multiple nodular goiter ( with hypothyroidism) , dysfunctional uterine bleeding ( with anemia) , nodular hyperplasia of the breast, and arteriovenous malformation over forearm. Thoracoscopicbiopsy of left lung and resection of the right pulmonary mass were performed and both the lesions were confirmed as PSH. The clinical manifestations of multiorgan diseases and the presence of PSH suggested Cowden syndrome in this patient. The other 2 cases aged 50 and 53 were asymptomatic with solitary pulmonary nodules identified incidentally. The accessory examinations for malignancies, infections, and autoimmune diseases showed no specific findings. Resection of the lesions were performed by thoracoscopic surgery and thoracotomy respectively, and the histopathological results proved to be PSH. Literature review showed that PSH typically occurred in middle-aged women without clinical symptoms and signs, often presenting as a pulmonary solitary nodule/mass identified incidentally. The differential diagnosis should include peripheral carcinoma, hamartoma, inflammatory pseudotumor and tuberculoma. Multiple PSH, which mainly presented as multiple well-defined nodules /masses of different size in the lungs, was rather rare, but easily confused with metastatic neoplasm. Lung biopsy by surgical operation was a common way to confirm the diagnosis, while FDP-PET and fine needle aspiration biopsy showed some defects. Surgical resection was an effective method of treatment, the residual lesions of multiple PSH should be monitored. Cowden syndrome may be considered if a PSH coexisting with abnormity of multiple organs such as thyoid, breast and vessels. Conclusions PSH should be considered during the differential diagnosis for solitary or multiple nodules /masses in the lung. Surgical biopsy is a common way to confirm the diagnosis. Local excision andnecessary follow-up are effective methods of treatment.

    Release date:2016-08-30 11:56 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 非粘液瘤性心脏良性肿瘤的诊断与手术治疗

    目的 总结非粘液瘤性心脏良性肿瘤的诊断和外科治疗经验。 方法 1982年9月~2005年10月手术治疗5例非粘液瘤性心脏良性肿瘤,其中男2例,女3例;年龄2~46岁(33.4±17.8岁)。所有肿瘤均被完整切除,同时将其附着的心内膜和心肌组织一并切除,用心包或补片修补缺损,术毕反复冲洗心腔并吸净。 结果 5例患者均治愈出院。术后均获得随访,随访时间3个月至11年,未发现严重心律失常,并恢复正常工作、学习;其中1例5年后复发,再次手术无法切除。 结论 非粘液瘤性心脏良性肿瘤的临床表现、病理类型多样,手术治疗效果好,术后应重视复查。

    Release date:2016-08-30 06:13 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 13例非粘液性心脏肿瘤的外科治疗

    目的 总结非粘液性心脏肿瘤外科治疗的经验。方法 13例非粘液性心脏肿瘤中,良性肿瘤5例,原发性恶性肿瘤7例,转移性恶性肿瘤1例。5例良性肿瘤均完整切除;7例原发性恶性肿瘤中2例完整切除,2例大部分切除,3例仅做部分切除;1例转移性恶性肿瘤完整切除。结果 全组无围手术期死亡。5例心脏良性肿瘤中,1例纤维瘤患者术后6个月肿瘤复发,未再行手术治疗;其余4例患者随访3个月至11年,未见肿瘤复发。3例手术完整切除的心脏恶性肿瘤患者,其中1例随访4个月肿瘤无复发,1例术后1年死于肿瘤复发,1例恶性转移癌患者术后8个月死于多器官功能衰竭。5例行肿瘤部分切除的心脏恶性肿瘤患者,其中3例分别于术后3、6和14个月死于肿瘤复发。结论 心脏良性肿瘤手术治疗效果好,应争取彻底切除肿瘤,防止复发;心脏恶性肿瘤预后欠佳,手术目的应以明确诊断、消除或减轻临床症状为主。

    Release date:2016-08-30 06:18 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 皮肤软组织扩张术治疗头皮良性肿瘤术后缺损16例

    目的 总结皮肤软组织扩张术治疗头皮良性肿瘤的疗效。方法 2000年1月~2005年9月,对16例头皮良性肿瘤患者,采用皮肤软组织扩张术治疗术后头皮缺损。其中男10例,女6例;年龄6~35岁。病程6~35年,平均21年。神经纤维瘤6例,血管瘤5例,头皮巨大黑色素细胞痣4例,毛细淋巴管瘤1例。14例接受1次软组织扩张术治疗,2例因病变巨大接受2次软组织扩张术治疗。扩张头皮瓣7.5 cm×10.5cm~17 cm×25 cm。结果 经1次皮肤软组织扩张术的患者,13例完全修复病变切除后残留创面,1例修复大部分创面,残留小部分非头发生长区,经植皮修复;经2次皮肤软组织扩张术的2例患者术后完全修复病变切除后残留创面。术后获随访6~12个月,无肿瘤复发,头发生长良好。结论 皮肤软组织扩张术是修复头皮巨大良性肿瘤切除后残留创面的主要方法之一。

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:23 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 乳房良性肿瘤切除后的整复


    Release date:2016-09-01 11:18 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    Our clinical experiences in reconstruction of the defects from excision of benign tumors with expanded skin flap were reported. Since 1987 we have applied this method 23 cases with satisfactory results. When we decided to use this technique, the expander was placed in a pocket adjacent to a benign tumor planned to be excised. Once the skin flap was expanded fully, the tissue expanders were removed. After excision of the benign tumor, the defect was than be covered with the expanded skin flap. The problems related to treatment were discussed in detail.

    Release date:2016-09-01 11:34 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    From 1976 to 1991, 34 cases of benign tumors of femoral neck were received in our department and 29 cases were treated surgically with either free bone graft (18 cases) or vascularized bone graft (11 cases). Fibrous dysplasia of bone and bone cyst had a high incidence in this group (75%)and most of the patients were over 30 years old. Because the femoral neck had its own anatomical characteristics and was biomechanically important and in order to accelerate. The graft healing and prevent the occurrence of pathological fracture, the choice of operations should depend on the extent of the lesion, the thickness of the cortical bone of the affected past,and the presence or absence of complications.

    Release date:2016-09-01 11:34 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinical Analysis of Diagnosis and Treatment for Liver Benign Tumor

    目的 分析肝脏良性肿瘤的临床诊断、治疗及治疗效果。方法 对川北医学院附属医院2008年2月至2011年2月期间收治并经术后病理学检查证实为肝脏良性肿瘤的156例患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果 156例患者中肝血管瘤119例,肝细胞腺瘤13例,肝内胆管囊腺瘤3例,肝局灶结节性增生9例,肝淋巴管瘤4例,肝血管平滑肌脂肪瘤3例,肝炎性假瘤5例。3例肝局灶结节性增生患者行保守治疗,随访1年,其肿瘤大小和肝功能均无明显变化; 余153例患者行手术治疗,全部切除了病灶,病灶切除率为100%,术后随访6~48个月,平均24个月,均无死亡及复发。结论 肝脏良性肿瘤的症状不典型,缺乏特异性表现,易误诊,应完善超声、CT及MRI检查,并结合病史进行综合分析。对于具有临床症状、肿瘤体积较大(肿瘤直径>5cm)的肝脏良性肿瘤患者,应积极行手术治疗,术后密切随访。

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:24 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinical Study of Mini-Incision Anterior Cervical Approach Thyroidectomy and Modified Miccoli Endoscopy Assisted Thyroidectomy for Thyroid Benign Tumor

    Objective To compare the therapeutic efficacy between the mini-incision anterior cervical approach thyroidectomy and modified Miccoli endoscopy assisted thyroidectomy for thyroid benign tumor. Methods Clinical data of 80 patients with thyroid benign tumor treated in The First Affiliated Hospital of General Hospital of PLA from Jan.2010 to Jan. 2012 were retrospectively analyzed,and the 80 patients were divided into mini-incision anterior cervical approach thyroidectomy group (n=40) and modified Miccoli endoscopy assisted thyroidectomy group (n=40) according to operative type. The operative time,drainage volume of neck,cosmetic satisfaction score,duration of hospitalization,expense of hospitalization,and rates of postoperative complication of 2 groups were compared and analyzed. Results The operative time of mini-incision anterior cervical approach thyroidectomy group were significantly longer than that ofmodified Miccoli endoscopy assisted thyroidectomy group〔(95.5±20.3)min vs. (62.4±15.5)min,P<0.05〕,but thecosmetic satisfaction score〔(3.5±0.2) score vs. (4.3±0.1) score〕and expense of hospitalization〔(5 814.6±1 262.3)yuan vs. (9 846.7±1 080.5) yuan〕were lower (P<0.05). There were no significant differences on the drainage volumeof neck after operation〔(28.6±5.5) mL vs. (22.2±4.5) mL〕and duration of hospitalization〔(4.5±1.5) d vs. (3.8±0.9) d〕between the 2 groups (P>0.05). There were 3 cases happened transient hoarseness in mini-incision anterior cervical approach thyroidectomy group (all recovered in 1 month after operation) and 1 case in modified Miccoli endoscopy assi-sted thyroidectomy group (recovered in 3 months after operation),and there were no significant difference on incidence of recurrent laryngeal nerve injury (P=0.608). No other complications happened. Conclusions Modified Miccoli endoscopy assisted thyroidectomy has better cosmetic benefit than mini-incision anterior cervical approach thyroidectomy, but more expensive. The patients who have specific cosmetic demand or engage in special profession can choose modified Miccoli endoscopy assisted thyroidectomy.

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:25 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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