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find Keyword "艾滋病" 37 results
  • Evidence for Treating and Preventing HIV Infection


    Release date:2016-08-25 03:34 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 艾滋病并发眼底病患者的护理

    目的 总结艾滋病并发眼底病患者的护理要点。 方法 回顾分析2010年3月-2012年4月艾滋病并发眼底病7例患者(13只眼)的临床资料和护理经验。7例患者中3例放弃手术,4例实施7次手术治疗。护理重点是护理人员的培训和患者的心理护理、局部护理、全身症状护理和健康教育。 结果 艾滋病并发眼底病3例患者放弃手术,4例手术中接受玻璃体切割术者4例次,视网膜修复术2例次,硅油取出术1例次,硅油充填术3例;患者术后视网膜复位4例,术后视力:0.02者2例,数指5例。无1例不良事件和护理安全事件发生,出院随访康复和治疗情况较好。 结论 艾滋病并发眼底病患者的护理重点是眼部和全身疾病的护理、患者的心理护理、隐私保护,以及医护人员的职业防护。

    Release date:2021-06-23 07:35 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinical Analysis of 85 Cases of AIDS with Opportunity Infections

    目的:进一步认识获得性免疫缺陷综合征(AIDS)并发机会感染的临床特点,提高临床诊断水平,减少误诊。方法:回顾性分析我院85例住院的AIDS患者的临床资料。包括临床表现、常见的机会感染、实验室检查异常情况及机会感染的确诊时间等情况。结果:本组资料中发生机会感染患者主要为青壮年男性,发病后误诊率为70%,大多经两家医院就诊后确诊。60%以上患者首诊于非感染科。临床表现主要有发热、咳嗽、腹泻、消瘦、皮疹、贫血等症状和体征。肺部感染35例(14%),肺结核12例(14%),乙型肝炎9例(10%),丙型肝炎10例(11%),梅毒 7例(8%),耶氏肺孢子菌肺炎(PCP)15例(17%),败血症1例 (1%)。结论:HIV机会感染呈多器官受累,临床表现复杂,不具特异性。临床应提高认识,减少误诊。

    Release date:2016-08-26 03:57 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 发热、活动后气促,两肺磨玻璃影(续)

    Release date:2016-09-14 11:56 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Survey and Analysis on HIV/AIDS-Related Behavior and Recognition among HIV/AIDS High-risk Population of Xunyang District Jiujiang City

    Objective To study the distribution of HIV/AIDS high-risk population, HIV infection and the main risk factors for developing HIV/AIDS’ controllable measures and exploring appropriate health education and behavior intervention models. Methods A total of 360 commercial sex workers (CSW) joined together through convenience sampling and 360 drug users (DU) joined together through convenience sampling or snow-balling sampling whose relevant behavior factors were investigated by questionnaires. Results The general rate of knowing knowledge about AIDS was 75.2% among 360 CSW, 67.8% CSW used condom in commercial sex activities; none of 149 CSW blood samples was detected HIV or syphilis antibody positive. The general rate of knowing knowledge about AIDS was 83.7% among 360 DU who injected drugs last month, the rate of sharing needles was 47.6% and the low rate of condom used; 1 HIV antibody and 5 syphilis antibodies positive were found among 198 DU blood samples, so HIV and syphilis infection rate were 0.51%and 2.53%, respectively. Conclusion The rate of HIV infection is a very low level and there are many risk factors among CSW and DU. A good job should be done to integrate AIDS health education with behavioral intervention and the monitoring system for the AIDS/HIV high-risk population should be improved.

    Release date:2016-09-07 11:23 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Effectiveness Evaluation of Intervention Modes among Street-based Female Sex Worksin Chongqing

    Objective To explore the methods of intervention for street-based female sex workers (FSWs) by assessing the intervention process, and evaluate the effectiveness. Methods By cluster sampling procedure, many streetbased female sex workers in Yuzhong district were intervened systematically after informed consent. Before and after the intervention, questionnaire survey was conducted to understand their KAP towards AIDS and analyzed the results of the questionnaire and the effectiveness of intervention. Results The recognition rate abut AIDS knowledge was improved markedly, from the previous 28% to the later 70.5%; condom use in last act increased the previous 59% to the later 75%, consistent use in recent month changed from 4% to 26%; Peer education was trained. Conclusion systematical intervention among street-based female sex workers is critical for spread of AIDS.

    Release date:2016-09-07 02:08 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Meta-analysis of Effect on HIV/AIDS Intervention in Floating Population

    Objective To evaluate the effect of a health education for preventing HIV/AIDS in floating population. Methods A computerized literature search was carried out in PubMed, CBM (Chinese Biomedical Database), CNKI (Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure), Wanfang (Chinese) and VIP (Chinese) databases to collect articles published between 1996 and 2006 concerning the effect of a HIV/AIDS education intervention in floating population. We also checked the reference lists of relevant articles. The study type was self-control intervention study. Meta-analyses were performed to assess 3 outcomes of the intervention, i.e. knowledge about HIV transmission, means of prevention and attitudes towards HIV/AIDS patients. Fixed and random effect models were employed to combine results after a heterogeneity test, with rate difference (RD) used as the indicator of intervention effect. Results The analysis showed that the RD for knowing the sexual transmission route of HIV, the RD for knowing the effect of condoms for HIV prevention, and the RD for changing attitudes towards HIV/AIDS patients, i.e. treating them as ordinary people, were increased by 16% (0.10, 0.22), 22% (0.17, 0.28) and 19% (0.13, 0.25), respectively. Conclusion Health education for preventing HIV/AIDS is effective in changing knowledge and attitudes in floating population.

    Release date:2016-09-07 02:12 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Effectiveness and Safety of Combination Therapy of Zidovudine and Lamivudine for Preventing the Risk of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV: A Systematic Review

    Objective To assess the effectiveness and safety of combination therapy of zidovudine and lamivudine (ZDV+3TC) for preventing mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of HIV. Methods A systematic review of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) was conducted using the methodology of The Cochrane Collaboration. PUBMED, EMBASE, CINAHL, AIDSearch, AIDSLINE, AIDSTRIALS, The Cochrane Library (Issue 2, 2007), AIDSDRUGS, AIDSinfo, CRD (Center of Review and Dissemination) databases and three Chinese Databases (CBM, CNKI, VIP) were searched from their establishment to 31 May 2007. We also searched documents of governmental and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and the proceedings of relevant conferences, including the International AIDS Conferences, and the annual Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections. RCTs assessing the effects of ZDV+3TC for preventing MTCT were included. Trial selection, quality assessment and data extraction were done by two reviewers independently. Different opinions were resolved by discussion with a third party. Meta-analyses were conducted using The Cochrane Collaboration’s RevMan 4.2.9 software. Results Three studies in breastfeeding populations were included. One trial (PETRA, 1797 participants) found that ZDV+3TC decreased the risk of transmission by 35%-65% within 15 months compared with placebo. However, there was no evidence that ultra-short course ZDV+3TC (during labor) decreased the risk of transmission, compared with placebo. The safety of different courses of ZDV+3TC and placebo were similar (Pgt;0.05). Another trial (SAINT, 1317 participants) found that short course ZDV+3TC (from 36weeks gestation to labor) did not significantly reduce HIV infection among children at 8 weeks after delivery, when compared with single dose nevirapine given to the mother and the infant (Pgt;0.05). No significant difference was found in the maternal and infants mortality and side effects of two groups. One small trial (Moodley1998, 20 participants) found no infant infection in both ZDV+3TC and 3TC alone within 2 weeks after birth. Conclusions Long course (from 36 weeks gestation to 1 week after delivery) and short course (from 36 weeks gestation to labor) ZDV+3TC were more effective than placebo in preventing MTCT of HIV in breastfeeding women with a similar safety profile. Short course ZDV + 3TC had similar effects to single dose nevirapine, and long course ZDV + 3TC had similar effects to lamivudine alone.

    Release date:2016-09-07 02:16 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Effectiveness and Safety of Zidovudine for Preventing the Risk of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV: A Systematic Review

    目的 系统评价单独应用齐多夫定(zidovudine,ZDV)阻断HIV母婴传播的有效性和安全性。方法 采用Cochrane系统评价方法,计算机检索Cochrane图书馆(2007第1期)、PubMed、EMbase、CINAHL、AIDSearch、AIDSLINE、AIDSTRIALS、AIDSDRUGS、AIDSinfo、CRD(center of review and dissemination)、CBMdisc,VIP和CNKI等数据库,以及全球或地区性AIDS相关的会议论文集、政府或非政府组织的相关文件等,检索日期截至2007年4月30日,全面收集全球抗艾滋病病毒药物预防HIV母婴传播的随机对照试验。由两名评价员独立筛查文献、评价质量和提取资料,然后交叉核对,若遇分歧则征求第三方意见讨论解决。使用RevMan软件进行Meta分析。结果 共纳入8个RCT,包括24篇全文和13篇摘要,其方法学质量的Jadad评分≥3分。Meta分析显示:① ZDV与安慰剂比较共纳入4个RCTs(2385例),无论长短疗程、母乳或非母乳喂养人群,ZDV预防HIV母婴传播的效果均优于安慰剂组,降低HIV母婴传播风险43%~50%,且两组死产率、婴儿死亡率、母亲死亡率、早产、低体重儿、出生缺陷、母婴不良反应发生率和母亲产前、产时和产后并发症发生率差异均无统计学意义(Pgt;0.05)。② 1个大样本RCT(1437例)比较了ZDV不同疗程的效果,结果显示ZDV“长–长疗程”(从孕28周开始到产后6周)比“短–短疗程”(从孕35周开始到分娩后3天)降低HIV母婴传播风险61%[RR=0.39,95%CI(0.19,0.82)]。长–长疗程与长–短疗程(从孕28周开始到产后3天)及短-长疗程(从孕35周开始到产后6周)比较,其预防HIV母婴传播的效果差异均无统计学意义(P gt;0.05)。各组死产、新生儿死亡、1年内婴儿死亡、母亲死亡、早产、低体重儿、出生缺陷、母婴不良反应发生率相似(Pgt;0.05)。③ 1个大样本RCT(1 200例)显示:人工喂养+短程ZDV预防HIV母婴传播的效果优于母乳喂养+长程ZDV,可降低婴儿HIV感染风险的35%~39%,但提高了婴儿7个月时的死亡率(9.3% vs 4.9%;P=0.003);两组婴儿早产率、低体重儿出生率、出生缺陷率、不良反应发生率相似(Pgt;0.05)。④ 2个直接比较短程或超短程ZDV与单剂量奈韦拉平(Nevirapine,NVP)预防HIV母婴传播效果的RCT(702例)显示,NVP可降低HIV母婴传播风险的44%~48%,两组死产、6月内婴儿死亡、母亲死亡、低体重儿、母婴不良反应发生率相似(Pgt;0.05)。结论 无论长短疗程、母乳或非母乳喂养人群,ZDV预防HIV母婴传播的效果均优于安慰剂,且其妊娠结局和不良反应发生情况相似。ZDV“长–长疗程”比“短–短疗程”预防HIV母婴传播效果更好,但长–长疗程与长–短疗程、短–长疗程预防HIV母婴传播的效果相似;各组安全性相似。人工喂养+短程ZDV预防HIV母婴传播的效果优于母乳喂养+长程ZDV,但提高了婴儿7个月时的死亡率。单剂量NVP预防HIV母婴传播效果优于短程和超短程ZDV,且安全性相似。

    Release date:2016-09-07 02:15 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Analysis on the Influence of Including HIV/AIDS Patients on the Consolidated Fund Under the New Cooperative Medical System in the Countryside

    Objective To investigate the influence of including HIV/AIDS patients on the consolidated fund under the New Cooperative Medical System (NCMS). Methods Designed questionnaires were used to investigate 24 HIV/AIDS patients and 1155 randomized sample of the population to compare their income, requirement for public health service, expenditure of medical care and to analyze the influence of including HIV/AIDS patients. Results We found the income of HIV/AIDS patients was lower than healthy population in 2003 (722 vs. 2 162 RMB) ; but the requirement (outpatient:2 :1, inpatient:5 :1 )and expenditure of medical care was higher in HIV/AIDS patients. Including HIV/ AIDS patients into NCMS would cause an adverse-effect on consolidated fund. When more than 293 HIV/AIDS patients were included, it would be beyond what the consolidated fund can afford. Conclusions Including HIV/AIDS patients into NCMS can decrease the HIV/AIDS expenditure to some degree. But the government still needs to get involved to share risks and to establish an HIV/AIDS fund to cover that part which NCMS could not afford.

    Release date:2016-09-07 02:25 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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