“拯救脓毒症运动(Surviving Sepsis Campaign,SSC)”是国际危重病医学界为提高脓毒症诊治水平、降低病死率而于2002年发起的全球性运动。随后,由多个国际学术组织暨国际专家组发起与组编的《严重脓毒症与脓毒症休克治疗指南》[1]及其修订版[2](以下统称为“SSC指南”)分别于2004年和2008年颁布。指南以循证医学为依据,总结了早期目标指导治疗(EGDT)、强化血糖控制(TGC)、小剂量激素替代治疗、活性蛋白C(APC)治疗等治疗方案,其核心就是将各自独立的疗法整合为整体化的“集束化治疗策略(Bundle Strategy)”,以期最大限度地发挥综合治疗效应[3]。按照SSC的建议,集束化治疗策略包括脓毒症复苏集束化策略(Sepsis Resuscitation Bundle)和脓毒症治疗集束化策略(Sepsis Management Bundle)。前者要求在诊断严重脓毒症后的6 h内完成血乳酸测定、血培养、早期广谱抗菌药物应用和EGDT等6项治疗策略;后者则要求在24 h内完成由小剂量激素、APC、TGC和限制气道平台压构成的4项治疗策略[4]。显然,上述策略借鉴了创伤救治的“黄金6小时”和“白银24小时”的理念。 目前已有越来越多的研究证据支持集束化治疗策略在急诊和ICU的早期实施,并显示出病死率降低的趋势。但实际的情况是临床上对该策略的实施与执行严重不足,集束化治疗策略所代表的强化、优先、积极的治疗理念并未获得普遍的贯彻,进而影响到获得病死率显著降低的收益。另一方面,集束化治疗策略的各治疗要素也非完美,其所依据的相关临床试验存在着诸多不足甚至可疑之处,而单纯的疗法叠加是否真能发挥事半功倍的效果也值得考量。为此,本文就当前国际上的相关研究进展进行反思,以供同道参考。
为预防应激性溃疡和消化道出血, 质子泵抑制剂( PPI) 、组胺H2 受体拮抗剂( H2 RA) 以及硫糖铝在ICU中的应用非常普遍。既往的研究认为以PPI 或H2RA 为代表的抑酸剂( ASD) 可致胃液pH 值增高, 为细菌在胃腔内定植创造了条件, 并进而增加医院获得性肺炎( HAP) , 尤其是呼吸机相关性肺炎( VAP) 发生的风险。我们通过文献复习发现,ASD 与VAP 的关联性迄今仍无明确的证据, 已有的临床研究结论互为矛盾; 另一方面, 既往研究多集中于硫糖铝与H2RA 的比较, 有关PPI 和H2RA 导致VAP 的风险比较研究仍然缺乏, PPI 是否比H2 RA 更易发生VAP 也缺乏研究可资证明。为此我们将有关内容综述如下, 以供同道参考。
呼吸机相关性肺炎( VAP) 是指患者接受机械通气治疗48 h 后至停用机械通气、拔除人工气道后48 h 内发生的肺实质的感染性炎症。为接受机械通气患者最常见的院内感染。VAP的发生率和病死率由于诊断手段不同, 报道不一。国外报道, VAP 发生率为9% ~70% [ 1] , 病死率高达20% ~71% [ 2, 3] ; 国内医院调查, VAP发生率为48. 5% , 病死率为37. 5% [ 4] 。患者一旦发生VAP, 易造成撤机困难, 并可导致患者在ICU的停留时间及住院时间延长, 增加相关的医疗费用, 严重者可导致患者死亡。因此, VAP的早期预防、早期诊断和治疗就显得非常重要, 本文就近年来VAP 的诊治现状做一概述, 以供同道参考。
Objective To investigate the outcome and prognostic factors of hospital mortality in patients with acute cerebrovascular disease requiring mechanical ventilation.Methods Data from 94 patients with acute cerebrovascular disease in central intensive care unit(ICU) were collected and retrospectively analyzed.Prognostic factors of hospital mortality were analyzed by univariate statistics and multivariate logistic regression.Results Hospital mortality was 53.2%(50/94).There was significance diference in parameters such as APACHE II score,blood glucose,lengh of hospital stay,lengh of ICU stay,time of mechanical ventilation,incision of trachea,lung infections,lesion loci and its naturer between the survival and non-survival groups(all Plt;0.05).Multivariate logistic regression revealed that blood glucose,lung infections,diseased region under tentorium of cerebellum,time of mechanical ventilation were independent prognostic risk factors of hospital mortality(all Plt;0.05).Whereas the lengh of ICU stay was protective factor(Plt;0.05).Conclusion The hospital mortality is considerably high in patients with acute cerebrovascular disease requiring mechanical ventilation. The prognostic factors such as blood glucose and lung infections should be evaluate cautiously and prevented aggressively.
Objective To analyze the prognostic factors in the postoperative patients with prolonged mechanical ventilation after extracorporeal circulation.Methods From Oct 2004 to Oct 2007,35 cases of postoperative patients after extracorporeal circulation required mechanical ventilation for ≥24 hours in ICU were enrolled.The patients were divided into death group and survival group.Preoperative variables including blood glucose,serum albumin,creatinine and ejection fraction(EF),intra-operative variables such as cardiopulmonary bypass(CPB) duration,aortic cross clamp(ACC) time,blood transfusion,and postoperative variables such as vital sign arrival at ICU,renal function,drainage in first 24 hours,APACHEⅡ score,ventilation duration were analyzed retrospectively.Results There were significant differences in blood glucose,serum albumin,EF,CPB,ACC,fresh frozen plasma transfusion,APACHEⅡ,creatinine,APTT and oxygenation index between the death group(12 cases,34.29%) and the survival group(23 cases,65.71%).Stepwise logistic regression analysis indicated that EF(OR=0.7973,95%CI 0.6417-0.9906) and APACHEⅡ(OR=1.8588,95%CI 1.1071-3.1210) were predictors of prognosis.Conclusions High mortality is found in postoperative patients after extracorporeal circulation with prolonged mechanical ventilation.The main predictors of prognosis were EF and APACHEⅡ.It’s important to assess preoperative condition for cardiac surgical patients completely and provide more intensive perioperative care.
Objective To investigate the species distribution and antibiotic resistance of pathogens fromcatheter-related bloodstream infections ( CRBSI) in intensive care unit( ICU) , to provide evidence for the guidance of clinical rational administration.Methods A retrospective analysis was performed to review the microbiological and susceptibility test data of all CRBSI patients in ICU from January 2009 to December 2011. The patterns of antibiotic resistance among the top seven bacteria were compared. Results 67 cases of CRBSI were detected with 81 strains, including 40 Gram-positive ( G+ ) bacteria( 49.4% ) , 38 Gram-negative( G- ) bacteria ( 46.9% ) , and 3 fungi ( 3.7% ) . The main pathogens causing CRBSI were coagulase negative Staphylococci ( 27 strains, 33.3%) , Acinetobacter baumannii ( 12 strains, 14.8% ) , Klebsiella pneumoniae( 9 strains, 11. 1% ) , Staphylococcus aureus ( 8 strains, 9. 9% ) , Pseudomonas aeruginosa ( 7 strains, 8. 6% ) , Escherichia coli ( 6 strains, 7.4% ) , suggesting that Staphylococcus epidermidis was predominant pathogenic G+ bacteria, and Acinetobacter baumannii was predominant G- bacteria. The antibiotic resistance tests demonstrated that isolated G- bacillus was highly sensitive to carbopenem, while vancomycin-resistant G+ bacteria were not found. Conclusions Within the latest 3 years, the predominant pathogens of CRBSI in ICU are Staphylococcus epidermidis and Acinetobacter baumannii. Acinetobacter baumannii exhibited high drug resistance to all antibiotics.