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find Keyword "esophagogastric variceal bleeding" 1 results
  • Progress and prospect of TIPS for portal hypertension

    Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) has been used in the treatment of cirrhotic portal hypertension for more than 30 years. With the development of stent technology and clinical practice technology, TIPS is becoming more and more perfect in the treatment of portal hypertension. From the single-use of bare stent in the past to the application of bare stent combined with coated stent or particular Viatorr stent, the patency of stent has been significantly improved. In addition, the selection of stent caliber and the puncture part of shunt gradually reduces the occurrence of hepatic encephalopathy, liver failure and other complications caused by excessive shunt. TIPS technology has the advantages of minimally invasive, safe and reducing portal vein pressure. It has gradually become one of the primary surgical methods in the treatment of portal hypertension, esophagogastric variceal bleeding, intractable ascites, and so on.

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