• 1. Department of Ophthalmology, Tongji Hospital Affiliated to Tongji Medical College of HUST, Wuhan China, 430000;
Chen Bo, Email: eyechen@aliyun.com
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The pathogenesis of Vogt-Koyanagi Harada disease (VKH) has not yet been fully defined. Current studies mainly suggest that VKH is actually an autoimmune disease, especially related to the immune response mediated by various signal transduction pathways involved in the function of T cells. In recent years, the influence of the balance imbalance of various T cell subsets in cellular immunity on the pathogenesis of VKH has been a hot research direction. Currently, T helper cell 17/T regulatory cells, balance is the focus of clinical research, meanwhile, new discoveries and potential clinical treatment schemes have been made for related cellular pathways, particularly the Janus kinase/signal transducers and activators of transcription pathway and NF-kappa B pathway. The exploration of B cells in the pathogenesis of VKH has also achieved initial results through the successful application of various targeted drugs. In the future, further screening and localization of genes or proteins that are abnormally regulated or expressed in VKH, for which early comprehensive and in-depth exploration will be helpful, thus improve the efficacy of clinical treatment programs and develop new therapeutic targets.