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find Author "许迅" 58 results
  • Standardize the imaging data acquisition and evaluation of the ocular fundus to improve the application of fundus imaging diagnostic technology

    There are lots of imaging technologies in the ocular fundus disease field, including ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM), fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA), indocynine green angiography (ICGA), fundus photograph (FP) and Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT). However there is no standard for image formats among various fundus imaging equipment, technology application processes, thus the relevant data cannot be compared and analyzed. And improper operation of the instruments causes unstable image quality or image missing. Also lack of appropriate evaluation guidelines results in different interpretation of same image data. These three factors not only affect the fundus imaging device application efficiency, limit the sharing of fundus imaging resource, but also hinder the development of fundus imaging diagnostic applications. Therefore, instrument types, data acquisition protocol and data presenting formats should be standardized for ocular fundus image acquisition. The technicians who operate the machine should be trained regularly to follow the standard operating procedure of data acquiring, thus to ensure integrity, truthful and reliable data is collected. In order to enhance the application efficiency of fundus imaging equipment, save public health resources, to promote fundus imaging diagnostic technology development, we need to develop evaluation guidelines for fundus image data, establish a comprehensive system including remote consultation center, reading center and quality control center.

    Release date:2016-09-02 05:22 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Optimization of treatment outcome and exploration of new indication in anti-vascular endothelial growth factor therapy

    Since anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) therapy has recently become the first-line treatment of wet age related macular degeneration in China, as well as retinopathy of prematurity, neovascular glaucoma and macular edema secondary to diabetic retinopathy or retinal vein occlusion in other countries. It is worth thinking about that how to perform anti-VEGF treatment properly to benefit more patients. We reviewed the fields of clinical researches to explore the best role of anti-VEGF treatment in prevention and treatment of retinal disease in future.

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  • 落实国家《“十四五”全国眼健康规划(2021-2025年)》,加快我国眼底病事业的发展

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  • Recent progress in saefty and pharmacokinetic of ocular drug delivery system

    摘要:眼部的局部给药方式影响着药物作用的强度,速率及持续时间和不良反应。视网膜,脉络膜,玻璃体及视神经的疾病则对眼后节的局部给药治疗提出了挑战,以局部给药的方式通过解剖学的膜屏障及泪液排泄,并达到在特定部位起治疗作用的药物浓度是其中的重要课题。全身给药则难以在眼组织积蓄足够的药物浓度,且易引起全身性的不良反应。眼表局部应用滴眼剂在泪液循环及角膜,结膜的屏障作用下易发生流失,而有创的给药方式包括玻璃体内注射,结膜下注射等变得越来越普遍的同时,除对病人造成疼痛不适外,甚至也可导致多种严重于疾病本身的并发症。本文综述了近几年来随着各种眼科疾病分子机制的研究和解明,眼部局部给药方式及新剂型的药代动力学及安全性的研究进展。Abstract: The ocular drug delivery system affects the drug’s efficacy,rate of speed,velocity and adverse reaction.How to deliver the drug with therapeutic local concentrations to the posterior segment remains a challenge. Many invasive methods such as intravitreal injection,subconjunctival injection are generally used,noninvasive method like eye drop can not pass through the barrier of the eye although it is convenient.The recent progress in safty and pharmacokinetic of ocular drug delivery system is reviewed in this article.

    Release date:2016-08-26 03:57 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 糖尿病黄斑水肿的治疗现状


    Release date:2016-09-02 05:18 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 氧化应激在糖尿病视网膜病变中的作用研究进展

    糖尿病性视网膜的氧自由基来源于高血糖状态下线粒体呼吸链电子传递障碍和细胞还原型辅酶Ⅱ NADPH氧化酶的异常激活,氧自由基通过激活聚腺苷二磷酸核糖聚合酶(PARP)参与或者促发多元醇、蛋白激酶C、糖基化终末产物、氨基己糖等4条异常代谢通路,而这些异常途径反过来激发氧自由基生成增多,形成恶性循环,造成视网膜损害。对这个复杂的网络中线粒体超氧化作用和PARP异常激活等2个中心环节进行恰当的干预,可能是突破糖尿病视网膜病变治疗瓶颈最有前景的方法之一。

    Release date:2016-09-02 05:48 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 糖尿病视网膜病变的药物防治研究现状


    Release date:2016-09-02 05:51 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 促红细胞生成素对缺血性眼病视网膜神经元的保护作用

    促红细胞生成素(EPO)是一种参与中枢神经损伤反应的重要介质 ,而视网膜作为中枢神经系统的外延部分,EPO同样也参与了对缺血的视网膜神经元的保护。现就EPO的表达、信号途径及神经元保护作用的研究进展进行综述,以期对缺血性视网膜病变的治疗提供新的方法。

    Release date:2016-09-02 05:51 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 糖尿病黄斑水肿:发病机制及治疗进展

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:54 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • “东方一只眼”赵东生——纪念上海交通大学附属第一人民医院眼科赵东生教授

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